Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species determined in pistachio orchards of Siirt province with a new record for fauna of Turkey: Yotvata Nergal Linnavuori, 1993

İ. Özgen, B. Çerçi , C. Kaya


ABSTRACT. This study was carried out at pistachio orchards of Siirt province (Merkez and Aydınlar) between 2008-2009. The insect species obtained with this study in pistachio orchards were; Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984, Stagonomus bipunctatus Linnaeus, 1758, Macroscytus brunneus Fabricius, 1803, Lethaeus cribratissimus Stål, 1858, Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904, Pseudoloxops sangrudanus Linnavuori, 2006 , Psallus perrisi Mulsant and Rey, 1852  Macrolophus glaucescens  Fieber, 1858, Acrorrhinium atricorne Linnavuori, 2006, Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878, Nanopsallus carduellus Horváth, 1888, Camptocera glaberrima Walker, 1872, Anthocoris minki Dohrn, 1860, Yotvata nergal, Alloeotomus cyprius Wagner, 1953, Calocoris roseomaculatus angularis De Geer, 1773, Horistus orientalis Gmelin, 1790, Deraeocoris serenus Douglas and Scott, 1868, Beosus quadripunctatus Müller, 1766, Megalonotus maximus Puton, 1895, Nysius cymoides Spinola, 1837, Cantacader quadricornis Lepeletier and Serville, 1828 , Lethaeus picipes Herrich-Schäffer, 1853, Acrorrhinium conspersus Noualhier, 1895, Trigonotylus pulchellus Hahn, 1834 and Alloeomimus kurdus Hoberlandt, 1953. Yotvata nergal Linnavuori, 1993 is a new record for entomo-fauna of Turkey.

Keywords: pistachio; Heteroptera; fauna; new record; Yotvata nergal.

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Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species determined in pistachio  orchards of Siirt province with a new record for fauna of Turkey: Yotvata Nergal Linnavuori, 1993

İ. Özgen1,*, B. Çerçi2, C. Kaya3

1Fırat University, Bioengineering Department, Elazığ, Turkey

2Hacettepe University, Medicine Faculty, Ankara

3Plant Protection Research Institute, Diyarbakır, Turkey

*E-mail: inancozgen@gmail.com 

Received: May 26, 2018. Revised: Oct. 22, 2018. Accepted: Nov. 16, 2018. Published online: Oct. 3, 2019

ABSTRACT. This study was carried out at pistachio orchards of Siirt province (Merkez and Aydınlar) between 2008-2009. The insect species obtained with this study in pistachio orchards were; Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984, Stagonomus bipunctatus Linnaeus, 1758, Macroscytus brunneus Fabricius, 1803, Lethaeus cribratissimus Stål, 1858, Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904, Pseudoloxops sangrudanus Linnavuori, 2006 , Psallus perrisi Mulsant and Rey, 1852  Macrolophus glaucescens  Fieber, 1858, Acrorrhinium atricorne Linnavuori, 2006, Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878, Nanopsallus carduellus Horváth, 1888, Camptocera glaberrima Walker, 1872, Anthocoris minki Dohrn, 1860, Yotvata nergal, Alloeotomus cyprius Wagner, 1953, Calocoris roseomaculatus angularis De Geer, 1773, Horistus orientalis Gmelin, 1790, Deraeocoris serenus Douglas and Scott, 1868, Beosus quadripunctatus Müller, 1766, Megalonotus maximus Puton, 1895, Nysius cymoides Spinola, 1837, Cantacader quadricornis Lepeletier and Serville, 1828 , Lethaeus picipes Herrich-Schäffer, 1853, Acrorrhinium conspersus Noualhier, 1895, Trigonotylus pulchellus Hahn, 1834 and Alloeomimus kurdus Hoberlandt, 1953. Yotvata nergal Linnavuori, 1993 is a new record for entomo-fauna of Turkey.

Keywords: pistachio; Heteroptera; fauna; new record; Yotvata nergal.



The pistachio has an importance for economy of Turkey. The Southeastern Anatolian Region of Turkey is known as homeland of pistachio. The pistachio production is extensively made in Adıyaman, Batman, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Siirt and Kahramanmaraş provinces of Turkey. Iran is the country which is at the top of the pistachio production and it is followed by USA, Turkey, Syria and China, respectively (Anonymous, 2016). Turkey has 170,000 tons of pistachio production in total (Anonymous, 2016).

There are too many insects and diseases, which affect amount of the yield in the pistachio orchards. Due to its economic importance, there are many research studies for determina-tion of beneficial and pest insects associated with the pistachio orchards (Günaydın, 1978; Çelik, 1983; Bolu,2002; Bolu and Uygun, 2003; Özgen and Karsavuran, 2005; Özgen and Tok, 2009, Özgen and Beyarslan, 2010; Özgen et al., 2010; Özgen et al., 2012; Şimşek and Bolu, 2017). These studies are focused to deter-mine species belong to the Insecta class, in general. The species which are belong to the Heteroptera order were given in some parts of these studies as lists (Bolu, 2002; Şimşek and Bolu, 2017). Bolu (2002) was focused to determine pest and benefi-cial arthropods related to pistachio orchards of Southeastern Anatolian Region. Bolu (2002) reported that there eight pest species and eight beneficial species of insects belong to the Heteroptera order. Şimşek and Bolu (2017) reported that there were eight species belong to the four families of Heteroptera order in their study. But, there have had no any detailed data about density and population situation of the pests in the study carried out by Şimşek and Bolu (2017). This study presents Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species associated with pistachio orchards of Siirt province and a new record for entomo-fauna of Turkey.



The study was carried out to deter-mine Heteroptera (Hemiptera) species associated with pistachio orchards of Siirt (Aydınlar and Center) province between 2008-2009. One light trap was constituted to each orchard and trapped species were collected 15 days’ intervals. Identification of species was done by second author. Péricart (1972, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1998), Putshkov and Moulet (2009), Wagner (1974-78) and Wyniger (2004) were used for identification species.



Numerical value of species obtained from study is presented in Fig. 1. and Fig. 2.


Palomena mursili Linnavuori, 1984

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 08.08.2008, 8 exc, 07.09.2009, 12 exc. Totally: 20 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Mersin (Önder et. al., 2006)

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey. This record was firstly in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey.

Stagonomus bipunctatus

Linnaeus, 1758

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 08.08.2008, 8 exc, 07.09.2009, 12 exc. Totally: 20 exc.

Distribution of Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Bursa, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Mersin, Sivas (Dursun & Fent, 2011, Önder et al., 2006).


Macroscytus brunneus

Fabricius, 1803

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 5 exc, 07.09.2009, 8 exc. Totally: 16 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay (Önder et. al., 2006).


Lethaeus cribratissimus Stål, 1858

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 5 exc, 05.08.2008, 6 exc, 07.09.2009, 3 exc. Totally: 14 exc

Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Çanakkale, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin, Muğla, Sivas (Önder et. al., 2006).


Acrorrhinium conspersus Noualhier, 1895

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 21 exc, 07.09.2009, 6 exc. Totally: 27 exc

Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Aydın, Hatay, Isparta, İzmir, Manisa, Şanlıurfa (Önder et al., 2006; Yanık & Yücel., 2001)

Acrorrhinium atricorne Linnavuori, 2006

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 11 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Totally: 16 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Siirt (Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Alloeotomus cyprius Wagner, 1953

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 5 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Totally: 13 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Siirt (Aydınlar) and Diyarbakır (Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Remarks: Entomophagous (Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Alloeomimus kurdus Hoberlandt, 1953

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, Totally: 10 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş (Önder et al., 2006).

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey (Önder et al., 2006).

Campylomma diversicornis Reuter, 1878

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 6 exc, 05.08.2008, 22 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 12 exc, 22.09.2009, 4 exc, 08.10.2009, 4 exc, Totally: 48 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: West, East and Southeastern Anatolia (Önder et al., 2006).

Camptocera glaberrima Walker, 1872

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 2 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 4 exc, 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 2 exc, Totally: 13 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Diyarbakır, Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Gaziantep, Siirt (Önder & Adiguzel, 1979; Çagatay, 1985; Önder et al., 2006; Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Calocoris roseomaculatus angularis De Geer, 1773

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 1 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 3 exc, 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 1 exc, Totally: 9 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Widespread (Önder et al., 2006).

Deraeocoris serenus Douglas and Scott, 1868

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 7 exc, 05.08.2008, 8 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 22.09.2009, 1 exc, 08.10.2009, 2 exc, Totally: 23 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Afyon, Ağrı, Artvin, Aydın, Adana, Antalya, Bayburt, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, Iğdır, İstanbul, Kars, Kırklareli, Kütahya, Mersin, Muğla, Tunceli, Hakkâri, Tekirdağ, Uşak, Van and many province (Matocq et al., 2014; Yazıcı & Yıldırım, 2016; Çerçi et al., 2018).

Horistus orientalis Gmelin, 1790

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 3 exc, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 3 exc, 22.09.2009, 4 exc, Totally: 14 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Elazığ, Kayseri, Antalya, Çorum, İçel, Kahramanmaraş, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Nevşehir, Niğde (Önder et al., 2006; Özgen, 2012; Çerçi et al., 2018)

Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 8 exc, 05.08.2008, 2 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 1 exc, 22.09.2009, 2 exc, 08.10.2009, 3 exc, Totally: 16 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Diyarbakır, Siirt (Önder & Adıgüzel, 1979;  Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey.

Pseudoloxops sangrudanus

Linnavuori, 2006

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 1 exc, 05.08.2008, 3 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 22.09.2009, 3 exc, 08.10.2009, 2 exc, Totally: 9 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Siirt (Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey.

Macrolophus glaucescens


Material examined: Siirt, Aydınlar, 22.09.2009, 4 exc, 08.10.2009, 7 exc, Totally: 11 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Nevşehir (Kıyak et al., 2004).

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey.

Nanopsallus carduellus Horváth, 1888

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, 05.08.2008, 6 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 5 exc, 22.09.2009, 7 exc, 08.10.2009, 3 exc, Totally: 25 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Mardin, Siirt (Matocq & Özgen, 2010; Matocq et al., 2014).

Remarks: It is rare species in Turkey.

Lethaeus picipes Herrich-Schäffer, 1853

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 23 exc, 05.08.2008, 5 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 22.09.2009, 9 exc, 08.10.2009, 12 exc, Totally: 51 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Diyarbakır, Hatay, Mardin, Siirt (Önder et al., 2006, Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Psallus perrisi Mulsant and Rey, 1852

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 5 exc, 20.08.2008, 12 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 22.09.2009, 9 exc, 08.10.2009, 12 exc, Totally: 40 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Diyarbakır, Elazığ (Matocq et. al., 2014).

Trigonotylus pulchellus Hahn, 1834

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 4 exc, 20.08.2008, 8 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 4 exc, 22.09.2009, 3 exc, 08.10.2009, 11 exc, Totally: 30 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Widespread (inside Siirt province) (Önder et al., 2006; Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Yotvata nergal Linnavuori, 1993

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.08.2013, 5 exc. Totally: 5 exc.

Remarks: New record for Turkey.

Distibution of World: Iraq, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (Kerzhner & Kanstantinov, 1997).


Figure 1 – Habitus of Yotvata nergal Linnavuori, 1993


Figure 2 – Diagram of species in the pistachio orchard



Beosus quadripunctatus Müller, 1766

Distribution in Turkey: Widespread (inside Siirt province) (Önder et al., 2006: Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 6 exc, 20.08.2008, 4 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 3 exc, 22.09.2009, 23 exc, 08.10.2009, 11 exc, 23.10.2009, 22 exc. Totally: 69 exc.

Megalonotus maximus Puton, 1895

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 05.08.2008, 13 exc, 20.08.2008, 7 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 07.09.2009, 2 exc, 22.09.2009, 12 exc, 08.10.2009, 8 exc, 23.10.2009, 6 exc. Totally: 48 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Hatay, Konya, Siirt (Önder et al., 2006; Matocq & Özgen, 2010).

Nysius cymoides Spinola, 1837

Distribution in Turkey: Widespread (Önder et al., 2006).

Material examined: Siirt, Center, 20.07.2008, 14 exc, 05.08.2008, 22 exc, 20.08.2008, 12 exc, Siirt, Aydınlar, 23.08.2009, 12 exc, 07.09.2009, 11 exc, 22.09.2009, 14 exc, 08.10.2009, 16 exc, 23.10.2009, 14 exc. Totally: 115 exc.


Anthocoris minki Dohrn, 1860

Distribution in Turkey: Widespread (Önder et al., 2006). 


Cantacader quadricornis Lepeletier and Serville, 1828

Material examined: Siirt, Aydınlar, 12.09.2009, 3 exc., Siirt, Center, 22.08.2009, 22 exc. Totally: 25 exc.

Distribution in Turkey: Adana, İzmir (Dursun & Fent, 2017), Siirt (Özgen et al., 2018).

It is obvious that the most dense species found in the study is Anthocoris minki when the results of the study is investigated. It is supposed that density of A. minki population increased or decreased according population density of Agonescena pistaciae. Yotvata nergal, which was determined in the study, was recorded first time fauna of Turkey. The feeding relationships and behaviors of this species in habitat have to be clearly identified. P. perrisi, M. glaucescens, H. orientali, A. kurdus, L. cribratissimus, M. brunneus, S. bipunctatus, and P. mursili species, which were determined in the study, were first time recorded for Siirt province. Determination behaviors of identified species is very important for IPM studies related pistachio orchards.



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Çerçi B., Kaya C., Özgen İ.