Prashant B. Sandipan, R.K. Patel, G.O. Faldu, D.M. Patel

ABSTRACT. Cotton is a vital commercial crop in the world and plays an important role for fibre, fuel and edible oil in the community and to industry. Cotton is a white fibrous agricultural product that has a wide variety of uses, from textile production, to creating paper, to producing oil and food products. Cotton is grown all around the globe, and is traded internationally as well. The cotton diseases scenario has shown a continuous change during the past 64 years. Several diseases have been reported for the cotton crop. The use of IDM strategy is gaining momentum now a days, but in developing countries it often lacks the enabling environment for its successful implemen-tation. Cotton crop is affected by various diseases caused by organisms, such as fungi, bacteria and viruses that grow on and within the plant tissues. In this experiment, total seven modules including the control was tested in this experiment from which, module 6 (6.50% PDI), followed by module 5 (8.50% PDI) significantly recorded minimum bacterial leaf blight infection in comparison to the module 7, i.e. control (18.50% PDI) in RCH 2 BG II hybrid. For Alternaria leaf spot disease, module 6 (2.50 % PDI) were recorded significantly minimum Alternaria leaf spot disease in RCH 2 BG II hybrid, as compared to the control (10.50 % PDI), followed by module 5 (4.50 % PDI) and module 4 (5.50 % PDI).

Keywords: cotton; Integrated Disease Management; biocontrol; modules.

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