M. Rizwan, K. Ahmed, M. Sarfraz, M.Q. Nawaz, A.I. Saqib, G. Qadir, F. Nawaz
ABSTRACT. Selection of suitable tillage implement, as well as amendments, is very important for the reclamation of salt affected soils. For this purpose, a field study was performed using the different rates of gypsum and tillage implements for the production of sorghum and berseem fodders in salt affected field using high RSC water. Treatments inclu-ding were T1: control (cultivator twice), T2: modified chisel plough (twice), T3: chisel plough (twice), T4: modified chisel plough (twice) + gypsum applica-tion @ 100% GR of soil, T5: modified chisel plough (twice) + gypsum applica-tion @ 50% GR of soil, T6: chisel plough (twice) + gypsum application @ 100% GR of soil, T7: chisel plough (twice) + gypsum application @ 50% GR of soil. A moderately salt affected field {ECe = 5.37 (d Sm-1), pHs = 9.18, SAR = 34.01 (m mol L-1)1/2 and GR 3.10 t acre-1} was selected. Field was leveled, prepared and gypsum was applied according to treatment plan, followed by leaching. Tubewell water {ECiw= 1.34 dS m-1, RSC= 8.50 me L-1 and SAR= 12.72 (mmol L-1)1/2} was used for irrigation. Gypsum was also applied before sowing of each crop on RSC basis of water. The trial was performed in the RCBD design with three replications. Pooled data of three years showed that maximum fodder yield of sorghum (38.44 t ha-1) and berseem (60.21 t ha-1) was recorded with modified chisel plough (twice) + gypsum @ 100% GR of soil. Data regarding the soil qualities revealed that soil pHs, ECe, SAR and BD decreased by 4.24, 30.72 and 31.37, respectively, while HC was increased by 130 % with use of modified chisel plough (twice) + gypsum @ 100% GR of soil, as compared to control.
Keywords: berseem; sorghum; brackish water; chisel plough; salinity