M.A. Hossain, M.R. Islam, M. Hossain
ABSTRACT. Effectiveness of sesame intercropping in mungbean for the management of flower thrips and pod borer of mungbean was studied at Pulses Research Centre, Ishurdi, Pabna, Bangladesh, during two consecutive season of kharif-I 2017 and 2018. Sesame intercropping in mungbean reduced flower thrips infestation and pod borer infestation significantly in both the years. Among the intercropped treatments, mungbean: sesame at 2:2 row ratio arrangements was found the best intercropping arrangements in reducing flower thrips and pod borer infestation. Sesame intercropping showed statistically similar performance in reducing pod borer infestation, as like as insecticide spraying (Imitaf 20 SL @ 0.5 ml/l). Mungbean equivalent yield varied depending on the prevailing weather condition of the cropping season and market prices of both mungbean and sesame, but the total production was always higher in intercropped treatments than sole cropping of mungbean. Hence, sesame intercropping in mungbean might be eco-friendly management approach against flower thrips and pod borers of mungbean providing higher production and benefit.
Keywords: thrips infestation; borer infestation; row ratio arrangement; insecticide spraying.