Liliana Rotaru, Vasile Răzvan Filimon, Roxana Mihaela Filimon, Mihai Mustea, Roberto Renato Bernardis, Lucia Cintia Colibaba
ABSTRACT. The monitoring of new grapevine varieties with superior agrobiological and technological characteristics, in relation to the evolution of the climatic factors, represents an important and continuous objective of the worldwide viticultural research and breeding programs. Observations and determinations of the current study were performed on 11 new table grapes varieties created in Romania, growing in the Ampelographic collection of the University of Life Sciences Iasi, north-eastern area of Romania. The grapevine varieties were evaluated under the morpho-structural aspect, regarding the leaf area, the average weight of the grapes, the number and weight of the berries, rachis weight, the number and weight of the seeds, the weight of the skin and pulp, calculating the main technological indices. From a biochemical point of view, the content of photosynthetic pigments in leaves, the concentration of soluble dry solids and titratable acidity of the grapes were determined in the climatic condition of the Copou – Iasi vineyard. Therefore, the monitoring of genetic resources provides useful data for grape producers and researchers regarding the integration of new table grape varieties into the viticultural ecosystems, evaluating their yield and quality in correlation with the evolution and influence of the climatic factors.
Keywords: agrobiological and technological value; autochthonous grapevine variety; chemical composition; genetic resources; physico-structural characterization.