Effect of Different Leonardite Doses and Cross-Sowing Methods on the Growth and Yield of Red Lentil

Betül Kolay, Ali Rıza Öztürkmen

ABSTRACT. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different cross-sowing methods and different doses of leonardite on the growth of red lentils under rain-fed conditions. Treatments consisted of different cross-sowing methods (control, 45° cross-sowing and 90° cross-sowing) and different leonardite doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500 kg ha−1). The trial was carried out in Diyarbakır province in Türkiye. The same rate of leonardite was applied to the same plots for two consecutive years to observe the two-year effect of leonardite in the experiment, which was established with four replications according to the factorial experimental design in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 production seasons. A positive effect of leonardite application was observed on the number of nodules and fresh root weight in the first production season. The highest nodule number (11.84) was obtained with 2500 kg ha−1 and the highest fresh root weight (0.24, 0.25 and 0.24 g) was obtained at 500, 1000 and 1500 kg ha−1 doses, respectively. The highest plant height, number of main branches, and number of pod parameters were obtained at a dose of 1500 kg ha−1 in the second production season (36.63 cm, 3.95 and 17.43, respectively). The highest grain yield (889.5 kg ha−1), dry root weight (0.125 g) and number of nodules (50.01) were obtained at a dose of 1000 kg ha−1 in the second production season. It was determined that different sowing methods did not affect grain yield in either production season.

Keywords: cross-sowing; leonardite; red lentils.


ALSE and ACS Style
Kolay, B; Öztürkmen, A.R. Effect of different leonardite doses and cross-sowing methods on the growth and yield of red lentil. Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment 2023, 56 (4), 475-488.

AMA Style
Kolay B, Öztürkmen AR. Effect of different leonardite doses and cross-sowing methods on the growth and yield of red lentil. Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment. 2023; 56 (4), 475-488.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Kolay, Betül, and Ali Rıza Öztürkmen. 2023. “Effect of different leonardite doses and cross-sowing methods on the growth and yield of red lentil” Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment 56, no. 4: 475-488.

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Effect of Different Leonardite Doses and Cross-Sowing Methods on the Growth and Yield of Red Lentil

Betül KOLAY1* and Ali Rıza ÖZTÜRKMEN2

1GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center, Silvan Road, 9. Km, 21280, Diyarbakır, Türkiye
2 Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Harran University Faculty of Agriculture, 63290, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye; e-mail:arozturkmen@harran.edu.tr

*Correspondence: betul.kolay@tarimorman.gov.tr

Received: Nov. 08, 2023. Revised: Nov. 10, 2023. Accepted: Nov. 26, 2023. Published online: Dec. 20, 2023

ABSTRACT. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different cross-sowing methods and different doses of leonardite on the growth of red lentils under rain-fed conditions. Treatments consisted of different cross-sowing methods (control, 45° cross-sowing and 90° cross-sowing) and different leonardite doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500 kg ha−1). The trial was carried out in Diyarbakır province in Türkiye. The same rate of leonardite was applied to the same plots for two consecutive years to observe the two-year effect of leonardite in the experiment, which was established with four replications according to the factorial experimental design in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 production seasons. A positive effect of leonardite application was observed on the number of nodules and fresh root weight in the first production season. The highest nodule number (11.84) was obtained with 2500 kg ha−1 and the highest fresh root weight (0.24, 0.25 and 0.24 g) was obtained at 500, 1000 and 1500 kg ha−1 doses, respectively. The highest plant height, number of main branches, and number of pod parameters were obtained at a dose of 1500 kg ha−1 in the second production season (36.63 cm, 3.95 and 17.43, respectively). The highest grain yield (889.5 kg ha−1), dry root weight (0.125 g) and number of nodules (50.01) were obtained at a dose of 1000 kg ha−1 in the second production season. It was determined that different sowing methods did not affect grain yield in either production season.

Keywords: cross-sowing; leonardite; red lentils.



Canada and India have the largest lentil production area in the world, respectively. Türkiye ranks 4th in red lentil production area (Demirel and Sessiz, 2023). In Türkiye, 96% of red lentil production occurs in the southeastern Anatolia region. The three provinces where red lentils are produced the most in the southeastern Anatolia region are Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır and Mardin (TUIK, 2023).

Organic soil conditioners can be applied to improve some soil properties and to improve the physical properties of the soil (Alagöz et al., 2006; Ferrini et al., 2005; Kolay et al., 2016; Saraç, 2018; Ulukan, 2008). Therefore, they generally have a positive effect on yield. Leonardite is an organic soil conditioner with significant resources in Türkiye.

In Türkiye, where there are very important lignite sources, considering the leonardite formation conditions, every lignite source is a potential leonardite source (Engin et al., 2012).

The availability of significant resources allows this material to be obtained more cheaply by farmers. It is important to investigate the availability of this material, which is affordable and easily available in Türkiye, in agriculture.

There are very few studies on leonardite applications in lentil cultivation. Dogan et al. (2014) applied different doses of leonardite to lentil (0, 300 and 600 kg ha−1) and stated that the highest seed yield was obtained from the application of 600 kg ha−1. However, no study has been found on the effect of higher doses on lentils.

Agricultural production consists of many factors. For successful and efficient agricultural production, there must be soil with positive properties, as well as a fertile variety and appropriate agronomic practices. The sowing method is an important agronomic application that directly affects yield. Cross-sowing is a sowing method that is mostly applied to cereals, and it aims to narrow the habitat of weeds by expanding the living area of cultivated plants. Chaudhary et al. (2013), Chhokar et al. (2012), Jat et al. (2003), Hussain et al. (2018), Kaydan and Geçit (2005), Kaydan et al. (2011), Singh et al. (2020), and Tomar (2004) evaluated the cross-sowing method in cereals and determined its positive effects on yield. However, there are very few studies on the effect of cross-sowing methods on the yield of red lentils.

In a study conducted by Toğay and Anlarsal (2008) in eastern Türkiye, different sowing methods were examined in red lentils.

They obtained the highest grain yield from the row seeding method in the first year of the study and from the row seeding method and 90° cross-sowing in the second year. In addition to very large irrigable areas in the southeast of Türkiye, there are also large agricultural lands where production is based on rain-fed conditions. The cereal–legume rotation system is mostly applied in these areas. The soil texture of these areas is mostly clay and clay loam, and the organic matter content is low. Red lentils are the most cultivated legumes in these areas. Red lentils are very important for human nutrition due to their protein content.

According to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, the production of red lentils in Türkiye increased from 228,000 tonnes in 2021 to 400,000 tonnes in 2022.

A very important portion of red lentil growth in Türkiye occurs in southeast Türkiye. The rate of use of chemical fertilisers by farmers in the production of red lentils in these areas is also very low.

This study was carried out to determine the effect of different doses of leonardite application to the soil and different cross-sowing methods on plant growth in red lentil cultivation in Diyarbakır province located in southeast Türkiye.

As a result of this study, the applicability of cross-sowing and the effect of leonardite applications on plant growth were determined in red lentils.



Experimental location

This study was carried out in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 red lentil production seasons in Diyarbakır province under rainfed conditions.


The red lentil variety Fırat-87 was used as plant material. This variety was used because it is widely cultivated in Diyarbakir and is disease resistant. Leonardite obtained from the leonardite deposits of the Elbistan district was used in this experiment.

Namlı et al. (2017) emphasised the importance of evaluating humic acid, organomineral and organic soil conditioner materials in the Afşin-Elbistan Lignite Pit area as an organic soil conditioner, organomineral fertiliser, K-humate, and humic acid.

Canıeren (2015) reported that quality products containing high humic substances can be produced from leonardite obtained from the Afşin-Elbistan region in Kahramanmaraş province. Leonardite obtained from Afşin-Elbistan leonardite deposits and commercially available was used in this study. The properties of the leonardite used in the experiment are shown in Table 1.


Table 1
Some properties of leonardite used in the experiment



Organic matter


Humic+Fulvic acid



1.94 mmhos cm−1







Total nitrogen


Total phosphorus


Total potassium


Total sulphur


Total sodium


Total calcium

14 569 mg kg−1

Total magnesium

2 825 mg kg−1

Total boron

37 mg kg−1

Total iron

9273 mg kg−1

Total copper

4.76 mg kg−1

Total manganese

26.67 mg kg−1

Total chrome

44.65 mg kg−1

Total molybdenum

10.72 mg kg−1


According to the classification made by Şengüler (2015), the leonardite used in the study is of high quality, with a humic acid and organic matter content and medium quality in terms of pH.

Soil and climatic data

The soil properties of the field where the experiment was carried out are shown in Table 2.

The climate characteristics of the area where the trial was conducted are shown in Table 3.

As shown in Table 3, in the 2018-2019 red lentil production season, there was more rainfall than the long year average in October, November and December.


Table 2
Some soil characteristics of the trial area













Total salt






Plant available P2O5

14.9 kg ha−1

Plant available K2O

943.8 kg ha−1

Organic matter


Field capacity


Wilting point


Bulk density

1.52 g cm−3

Cation exchange capacity

23 me 100 g−1


Experimental design and treatment details

In this experiment, 6 leonardite doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500 kg ha−1) and 3 sowing methods (control, 45° cross sowing and 90° cross sowing) were applied. All seeds were sown with 20 cm row spacing in the control application.

In the cross-sowing method with an angle of 45°, half of the seed to be sown was planted with a 20 cm row spacing, and the remaining half was sown on the first sown rows at an angle of 45°.

In the cross-sowing method with an angle of 90°, half of the seed to be planted was planted with a 20 cm row spacing, and the remaining half was planted horizontally on the parcel with an angle of 90° on the first sown rows. There were 300 m−2 plants per unit area in all three sowing methods.

In this study, which was carried out in 4 replications according to the factorial experimental design, the same applications were applied on the same plots for two years.

Cultural practices

The same applications were applied to the same parcels in both production seasons. In both production seasons, before sowing, the trial area was cultivated with a plough + cultivator + cultivator, and parcels were prepared. Leonardite was applied to the parcels at determined doses and mixed into the soil at a depth of 10 cm.

The trial was then sown with a planting machine. In the spring, the spaces between the parcels were hoed with a power tiller. In addition, the weeds in the parcel were removed by hand. Root samples were collected and examined during the 50% flowering period. The trial was harvested in June after other vegetative observations.

Data collection

The plant height, number of main branches, and number of pods were determined in 10 randomly selected plants from each plot. Afterward, harvesting was performed with a combine harvester, and plot yield was determined. Grain yield per unit area was calculated by converting this yield value to hectares. The weight of 100 red lentil seeds obtained from each plot was determined with 4 replications, and this number was multiplied by 10 to determine the weight of 1000 seeds. On the date when 50% of the plants in each plot flowered, 10 plants were randomly sampled without damaging the roots and washed with water in a bucket.

The average was calculated after counting the number of nodules on the roots (Erdemci, 2012). To determine the fresh root weight after nodule counting, the roots were weighed, and the average of 10 plants was calculated. The dry root weight was determined by weighing these roots after drying them in the oven at 70°C for 24 hours (Kahrıman et al., 2019).

Statistical analysis

The obtained data were evaluated by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the least significant difference (LSD) test was applied to the important data. Statistical grouping occurred at 5% and 1% significance levels. Statistical analyses were performed using JMP 7.0 statistical software.



The data obtained in this study were evaluated separately according to both the years and the two-year average data of the applications in a combined analysis. The data for the 2018-2019 production season in which the study was carried out are shown in Table 4.

As shown in Table 4, leonardite did not affect the surface parts of the plants after application to red lentil in the first production season. Plant height, number of main branches, number of pods, grain yield, and 1000 grain weight were not affected by leonardite application.

The highest number of nodules in the plant occurred at a dose of 2500 kg ha−1 in the first application year. The fresh root weight of the plant increased with leonardite application, but decreased again at the highest leonardite dose.

In the first year of the study, the sowing method was effective only on fresh and dry root weights. The highest fresh root weight was obtained from 90° cross-sowing, and the highest dry root weight was obtained from the control and 90° cross-sowing applications.

In the second production season of the study, the same applications were applied to all parcels, and the effect of the same applications for two consecutive years was determined. The data obtained in the second production season are shown in Table 5. Leonardite application for two consecutive years had a significant effect on plant growth, as shown in Table 5. The plant height, number of main branches and number of pods were highest in the 1500 kg ha−1 application, while grain yield, number of nodules and dry root weight were higher in the 1000 kg ha−1 application. As a result of applying different leonardite doses to the soil during red lentil cultivation, there was no difference in the aboveground parts of the plant (plant height, number of main branches per plant, number of pods per plant, grain yield and 1000 seed weight) in the first production season. However, the root development was affected by leonardite application. The fresh root weight of the plant was higher in 500, 1000 and 1500 kg ha−1 leonardite applications. Additionally, nodule formation on plant roots was higher in the 2500 kg ha−1 leonardite application than in other applications.

In the second production season, when the same dose of leonardite was applied to the same plot, both the aboveground part and the root development of the plant were affected by leonardite application.




The highest plant height, number of branches per plant and number of pods per plant were obtained from the 1500 kg ha−1 leonardite application, while the highest grain yield, number of nodules per plant and dry root weight of the plant were obtained from the 1000 kg ha−1 leonardite application.

The effect of leonardite application on the root development of the plant was observed in both production seasons, while its effect on the aboveground parts of the plant was observed in the second production season. In terms of the examined parameters, notable statistical differences occurred in the first and second production seasons.

As shown in Table 6, considering the average data of the two production seasons, the grain yield was highest with the application of 90° cross-sowing and a 1500 kg ha−1 leonardite dose.



As a result of the combined analysis considering the two-year average data, Table 7 shows that the highest plant height was obtained from 1000 and 1500 kg ha−1 applications of leonardite.

The highest number of main branches and pods was found with 1500 kg ha−1, and the highest dry root weight was found with 500 and 1000 kg ha−1 applications. The fresh root weight increased with leonardite application but decreased with a 2500 kg ha−1 application.

As a result of the combined analysis, there was no statistical difference in the grain yield parameter, but the highest yield was observed in the 1000 kg ha−1 application.


Table 6
Effects of leonardite dose and cross-sowing method and their interaction on red lentil yield (mean of two years)

Mean of two years

Leonardite Doses

(kg ha−1)

Sowing methods


45° C.S.

90° C.S.





































Year Average





CV (%)


LSD (0.05)

Yıl: 43.3  S.M.: n.s.  Leo.n.s.  S.M.*Leo.: 131.4

Significance levels

Yıl: **  S.M.: –  Leo.-  S.M.*Leo.: **

-: There is no significance levels, *Statistical significance: p<0.05, **Statistical significance: p<0.01, n.s.: denotes not statistically significant at p<0.05, S.M.:Sowing methods, Leo: Leonardite


Although the number of main branches, number of pods, and 1000 seed weight were higher when using the 45° cross-sowing method, there was no difference in grain yield between the sowing methods.

Although many studies have been carried out on different plants, there are very few studies on cross-sowing methods in lentils. Kolay and Öztürkmen (2021) determined that the 90° cross-sowing method is applicable in terms of weed control.

Cross-sowing methods are mostly applied in cereals and aim to decrease the number and weight of weeds by increasing yield. In the last 5 years, Hussain et al. (2018) and Singh et al. (2020) researched cross-sowing in cereals and determined their positive effects on yield. Chornobay et al. (2018) reported that cross-sowing in soybean increased nodule formation but did not increase yield.

In another region of Türkiye, Toğay and Anlarsal (2008), who examined different sowing methods for red lentils, obtained the highest grain yield from row sowing in the first year and from 90° cross-sowing in the second year. The results obtained from this study are not similar to Toğay and Anlarsal (2008).

Although studies have been carried out on different plants using leonardite applications and cross-sowing methods, studies on red lentil plants are very limited. Çay (2018) showed that leonardite increased strawberry yield. İmamoğlu (2019) suggested leonardite application in beans. Jomhataikool et al. (2019) determined that humic acid and leonardite increased leaf and root growth in rice.

According to Kiyas (2020), the use of leonardite in bean plants in a salty environment increased both its growth and ion uptake. Wang et al. (2020) determined that the evacuated salt increased and the EC value decreased in parallel with the increase in the leonardite dose. Kaya et al. (2020) reported that sulphur-enriched leonardite and humic acid materials could be used to preserve the yield of maize crops. Uçar et al. (2020) suggested using leonardite at a dose of 1000 kg ha−1 in chickpeas. Uçar et al. (2021) recommended the application of 1000 kg ha−1 leonardite in broad bean cultivation in semi-arid Mediterranean climate conditions on highlands.

Nuon et al. (2022) stated that the application of leonardite together with chemical fertilisers could increase growth and yield in cowpea. Akay and Omar (2022) reported that Cordes roses to which leonardite was applied were healthier than those to which it was not applied. Dogan et al. (2014) applied doses of 0, 300 and 600 kg ha−1 leonardite to lentil plants.

The highest plant height, first pod height, number of branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per plant, seed yield, biological yield, harvest index, and 1000 seed weight were obtained from 600 kg ha−1 application in both years.

However, in this study, the effect of higher leonardite applications on the growth of lentils was not observed. In this study, a higher yield was obtained from a 1000 kg ha−1 leonardite application, and the gap in the literature was completed. In addition, because of the two-year application in this study, the negative effects of 2000 and 2500 kg ha−1 high doses on the yield, yield parameters and root development of the plant were determined.



This study was carried out to determine the effect of different doses of leonardite applications and different cross-sowing methods on red lentils grown in rainfed conditions in southeast Türkiye. In this study, the same applications were applied to parcels for two consecutive years.

Leonardite application was only effective on roots in the first production season and had no effect on the grain yield in red lentils in the first production season. However, the highest grain yield was obtained from the 1000 kg ha−1 application in the second production season. Leonardite was effective on grain yield in red lentils because of its application in two consecutive production seasons.

It was observed that grain yield increased at doses of 500 and 1000 kg ha−1. Different cross-sowing methods were effective only on the dry root weight of the plant in the first production season. The dry root weight of the plant was higher using row sowing (control application) and 90° cross-sowing methods.

In the second production season, plant height and dry root weight of the plant were higher using the 90° cross-sowing method, while in the 45° cross-sowing method, the number of main branches per plant, number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight were higher.

However, no difference was observed between planting methods in terms of grain yield in either production season. As a result of this study, considering the average data of both production seasons, no sowing method was recommended since there was no statistical difference in grain yield between the sowing methods. The application of 1000 kg ha−1 leonardite may be recommended for red lentil cultivation.

However, leonardite did not increase grain yield in the first production season but affected root development. In the second production season, the highest grain yield was obtained from the 1000 kg ha−1 application.


Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, methodology, analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing, editing, B.K.; review, supervision, A.R.Ö. All authors declare that they have read and approved the publication of the manuscript in the present form.

Funding: The authors wish to express their gratitude to the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Türkiye, which funded this study.

Acknowledgements: This study was supported and financed by the Republic of Türkiye, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies. It was also conducted as part of a doctoral thesis at the Graduate School of Natural & Applied Sciences of Harran University.

Conflicts of Interest: There is no conflict of interest between the authors.



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Academic Editor: Dr. Isabela Maria Simion

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Kolay Betül, Öztürkmen Ali Rıza