Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Optimising the Sowing Rate of Spring and Winter Pisum sativum Forms

Victor Shcherbakov, Vyacheslav Rudenko

ABSTRACT. The winter and spring varieties of peas (Pisum sativum) require careful study of the entire range of technological measures, including seeding rates, as the basis for optimal sowing density and the formation of phytocenose crops. This issue has not been resolved to date, not only in the context of agrobiological justification but also in everyday practice in Ukraine. This research was carried out in a field experiment in a three-way factorial experiment: factor “A” was the type of development – winter and spring; factor “B” was the variety – spring peas (Svit and Darunok Stepu) and winter peas (Moroz, Enduro and Baltrapp); and factor “C” was the seeding rate. According to the field studies, differences in the physiological and biochemical parameters of the P. sativum test culture characterised the photosynthetic activity of the plants, considering the type of development and variety. The winter varieties of P. sativum were characterised by a higher chlorophyll content (by 35–40%) compared to the spring varieties, which had an economic effect with an increase in the yield of dry biomass of the experimental crop and a decrease in seeding rates, with the formation and increase in grain yield by 14–18%. The intensity of chlorophyll in the process was not a determining factor in the accumulation of organic biomass. The extensive nature of the integration complex was noted (the amount of chlorophyll – the amount of biomass). At the optimal seeding rate, a certain specificity was observed in different types of P. sativum: for spring varieties, the sufficient rate was 0.9 million seeds/ha, and for winter varieties, it was 0.7 million seeds/ha. For varieties with a low productivity level (spring – Svit and winter – Moroz), the optimum sowing rate was around 0.7 million seeds/ha. The increase in the seeding rate was accompanied by a decrease in the content of various chlorophyll fractions from 10–12% to 20–26%.

Keywords: chlorophyll; economic effect; Pisum sativum; productivity; seeding rate; varieties and types of development.

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Nitrogen Feeding of Winter Peas at the Spring Vegetation Recovery Stage

Svetlana Burykina, Leonid Serhieiev, Inna Kohut, Victor Sharii

ABSTRACT. In a field experiment from 2020–2023 on the southern chernozems of the Odessa region of Ukraine, we studied the effect of the doses and timing of mineral nitrogen application when growing winter peas on the tuberization process and crop productivity. Mineral nitrogen in doses of 30, 45 and 60 kg/ha in the form of ammonium nitrate was applied in different development phases of winter peas under seedbed cultivation: foliar top dressing with urea solutions during the resumption of spring vegetation, the budding phase and the beginning of grain filling. Winter pea of the Enduro variety was sown annually on October 20, with a row spacing of 15 cm and a rate of 1.2 million germinating seeds per hectare. The previous crop was winter wheat. The conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine for winter sown peas were shown for the first time. The introduction of mineral nitrogen at a rate of 30–60 kg/ha into the soil during sowing inhibited the formation of nodules from the active spring growth phase. The mass of nodules on the roots of pea plants decreased by 30–50% compared to the control variant without nitrogen application. The same norms of mineral nitrogen introduced in early spring during the resumption of vegetation on the leaf in the form of aqueous solutions did not have a negative impact on tuberization. The correlation coefficient between the dose of mineral nitrogen and the number and weight of nodules did not exceed 0.37, indicating a weak relationship between these indicators. The share of influence of mineral nitrogen norms did not exceed 13.7%. With this method of application, the nitrogen content in the vegetative mass of winter peas exceeded the control variant by 18–27%.

Keywords: calcic chernozem doses; mineral nitrogen; nodules; peas; terms; winter sowing.

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The Effectiveness of Composting Using Stabilizing Urban Sewage Sludge Compounds

Liza Ogawa, Leopoldo Sussumu Matsumoto, Roberta Dos Santos Toledo, Jonatas Campos de Almeida, Victor Bittencourt Dutra Tabacow, Fernanda Maria de Oliveira Dias, Diego Resende Rodrigues, Thaís Monica Cabral, Roberta Lemos Freire, Italmar Teodorico Navarro

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this investigation was to verify the effectiveness of composting in the sanitization of sludge from urban sewage (SS). The treatments (T) used consisted of SS mixed with sugarcane bagasse (SB), tree pruning residues (TP), poultry litter (PL) or grass clipping (GC) at a carbon/nitrogen ratio of approximately 30/1 and ratios of T1 (SS+SB), T2 (SS+SB+TP), T3 (SS+SB+GC), T4 (SS+SB+PL) or T5 (SS+SB+TP+GC). Temperature was measured daily for over 280 days of composting. Every two weeks, the compounds were analyzed for thermotolerant coliforms and viable helminth eggs using the multiple-tube and Yanko techniques; and once each month to identify Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. (oo)cysts using the sucrose and zinc sulfate centrifugal flotation technique and nested PCR followed by sequencing. The maximum temperatures measured in the thermophilic phase of the compounds ranged from 55°C to 64.8°C, and at day 280, weight reductions of 27% (T1), 48% (T2), 63% (T3), 66% (T4) and 64% (T5) were observed. The absence of fecal coliforms was observed from day 98 (T4), day 126 (T1), day 196 (T3 and T5) and day 210 (T2). All treatments resulted in helminth egg inviability and the absence of protozoan (oo)cysts. Only T4 and T5 were positive for G. duodenalis according to the sequencing analysis. In conclusion, high temperatures during the composting thermophilic phase made the use of pathogens required by legislation unfeasible; therefore, it is important to investigate the viability of protozoa in compounds to ensure a safe final product for human and animal health.

Keywords: biosolids; coliforms; temperature; thermotolerant viable helminth eggs.

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Cover story

Ornamental vegetable gardens are aesthetic, educational, ecological, economical, sanitary and a source of fresh food. Small allotments in urban and peri-urban areas do not allow the implementation of utilitarian gardens.
Thus, ornamental vegetable gardens are the best choice. Raised beds can be used to enhance the decorative effect of the entire vegetable garden (see page 1).

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Peculiarities of the Masticatory Apparatus of Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)

Constantin Spataru, Mihaela-Claudia Spataru

ABSTRACT. Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are rodents that feed on grassy plants, buds and sprouts, with cheek teeth having specialised abrasive surfaces for plant grinding. In analysing the prehension and trituration ways of guinea pigs, many differences concerning mandible conformation, the positioning of cheek teeth and the morphology of the masticatory muscles compared to other rodents were found. Masticatory muscles of guinea pigs are predominant compared to the mimetic muscles which are reduced. Compared to other rodents, in guinea pigs, inside the tendon thickness of the superficial part of the masseter muscle there are two rounded cartilaginous structures such as sesamoids. The dorsal one is larger, measuring about 3–4 mm in diameter having the role of reducing pressure on the tendon when it passes over the mandible ridge. The other is ventrally placed, about 2–3 mm in size and protects the tendon of the superficial part of the masseter muscle when it passes over the ventral tubercle of the mandible.

Keywords: guinea pig; mandible; masseter; masticator muscles; skull.

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Morphoclinical and Paraclinical Features of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Vasile Boghian

ABSTRACT. The study aims to identify the morphoclinical and paraclinical elements useful in the diagnosis of FIP, given that the symptoms are sometimes uncharacteristic, varied and often similar to those of other diseases. The morphoclinical features of 32 patients diagnosed with FIP were evaluated. In 26 patients (81.25%), the predominant symptomatology was similar: intermittent fever, loss of appetite, weakness, dyspnoea and physical signs of peritoneal fluid collection. The peritoneal puncture fluid was inflammatory, with numerous large phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages), lymphocytes and, in some cases, red blood cells. The cell blood count (CBC) showed the existence of normocytic, hypochromic and hypoplastic anaemia and the presence of an active systemic inflammatory process, confirmed by the presence of aggregated platelets and segmented and vacuolated neutrophils in the stained smear May Grunwald Giemsa (MGG). Biochemical blood examination revealed the evolution of a physiopathological syndrome of hepatocytolysis, increased tissue catabolism and haemolytic anaemia. These results confirm that FIP is usually a systemic disease with polymorphic clinical signs, and biochemical blood tests, unlike CBC, have more prognostic value and lower value for suspecting the disease. However, sometimes, lesions and associated clinical signs in a single organ predominate. Thus, in three patients (9.37%), the predominant symptomatology was hepato-digestive with hepatocellular jaundice; one patient had obvious clinical signs of renal failure, one had signs of cortical syndrome, and one patient showed periosteal lesions (granulomatous osteitis). These results indicate that some less common lesions in cats, such as osteitis granulomatous, should be included in the list of FIP lesions.

Keywords: peritoneal effusion; osteitis granulomatous; cat.

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Retained Surgical Sponge in a Dog: Clinical Aspects and Surgical Approach

Liviu Cătălin Burtan, Alexandra Ciubotariu

ABSTRACT. Although retained surgical sponges are rarely reported, their clinical aspect can sometimes vary and therefore, the diagnosis can be challenging. An eight-year-old mixed breed dog was brought in for a skin lesion on the lateral abdominal wall that appeared nine weeks previously, which could not be treated even though both local and general therapy had been carried out. During antibiotic administration, the dog’s condition improved, but once the treatment was completed, the wound and secretions started to reappear. Diagnosis of a retained surgical gauze was based on history, clinical signs, radiological examination and confirmed by surgical exploration. This article aims to describe the clinical and surgical findings of this pathology, which appeared four years after the surgical procedure, in order to disseminate knowledge about the complications that may occur if negligence, disorganisation or lack of emergency protocols exists.

Keywords: dog; fistula; sponge; gauze; wound.

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Transfer Of Heavy Metals in Soil In-Plum Cultivation: a Field Study in Adamachi Iasi, Romania

Mariana Rusu, Irina Gabriela Cara, Manuela Filip, Anca-Elena Calistru, Denis Țopa, Gerard Jităreanu

ABSTRACT. Currently, global environmental concerns about heavy metal pollution are driven by rapid urbanization and industrial development. Therefore, a field study was conducted to assess the concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Co, Zn, Ni and Cu) in orchard soils and its transfer to two plum varieties (Stanley and Anna Späth) at Adamachi Farm – Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS). In addition, heavy metal transfer (MTF), daily metals intake (DIM) and the index of health risk (HRI) were evaluated. The concentration of Pb, Co, Zn, Ni and Cu in soil and plum leaves samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry after acid digestion with a mixture of HNO3 (65%), HCl (37%) and HClO4 (60%). Metal concentration patterns occurred as follows 130.65>76.6>30.36> 21.69>13.26 mg/kg for Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb and Co in soil samples and 20.16>10.00> 2.10>1.68 mg/kg for Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb in plum leaves, while Co residue was not detected. The maximum heavy metal concentrations were found at the soil surface (0 – 30 cm depth) due to soil organo-mineral content and antifungal treatments. The health risk index predicted (HRI) for adults as well as children was in the sequence Pb > Cu > Ni > Zn, suggesting no health risk with values that did not exceed the safe limit (1). Therefore, it is essential to manage the causes and sources of heavy metal transfer prudently and effectively in order to prevent environmental contamination.

Keywords: concentrations; heavy metals; leaves; plum orchard; soil.

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The Influence of Minimal NPK Fertilisation on the Quantity and Quality of Apple Yields

Diana Elena Bolohan, Mariana Volf, Lucian Răus

ABSTRACT. During an annual cycle, fruit trees go through developmental stages, characterised by a higher demand for some mineral elements, called critical periods, which coincide with the phenophases of bud opening and shoot initiation. Research on mineral nutrition in fruit growing has highlighted that the maximum consumption of nutrients is during the period of shoot growth, fruit development and differentiation of fruit buds. In apple, flowering is influenced more by the time of fertiliser application and the form of nitrogen than by the amount applied, as apple has high requirements for the element phosphorus in the phenophases of intense shoot growth and wood maturation. Fertilisation with NPK increased apple yield for both fertilisation treatments compared to the unfertilised control treatments. After applying 270 kg·ha⁻¹ NPK in the first year of the experiment, very significant production increases were obtained, 4.46t·ha⁻¹, with a content of 16% dry matter, 13.13°Brix soluble matter and a titratable acidity of 0.465 mg malic acid/100 g.

Keywords: dry weight; soil fertilisation; soluble substance; titratable acidity.

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Current Aspects of Environmental Regulations and Interventions in Europe – Research Focus on Human Health

Carmen-Mariana Diaconu, Alexandru Trifu, Gabriel-Ionuț Plavan, Alin Ciobîcă, Sabina Ioana Cojocaru

ABSTRACT. The article focuses on a synthetic presentation of environmental legislation and policies at national and European level, based on the analysis of government strategies that aim to improve living standards through education starting from an early level, through the implementation of waste management resulting from industrial and domestic activities, through the modernization of the rural environment as a result of the financing of water supply, access programme to alternative energy and specifically gas.

Keywords: environmental regulations/ interventions; human health; pollution.

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