A. Jamal, M. Fawad
ABSTRACT. Application of organic fertilizers in improving soil fertility has become a major factor that has enabled the world to feed billions of people. However, the required quantities of organic material are enormous, so it becomes necessary to combine different types of fertilizers to feed plants. The effectiveness of human feces compost (HC) alone, as well as in combination with single super phosphate (SSP), was evaluated in the present study. A field experiment was conducted at farmer field located in district Swabi (Pakistan). A total of eight possible treatments combination were arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD), replicated four times. Two levels of human feces compost (HC), including control (HC0: control and HC1: 7.5 t ha-1) and four levels of P, as single superphosphate (SSP), including control (P0: control, P1:40 kg ha-1, P2: 60 kg ha-1 and P3: 90 kg ha-1) were utilized in the experiment. Results revealed that among all the treatments, combined application of SSP at 60 kg ha-1 along with 7.5t ha-1 HC significantly improved the growth, as well as the yield parameters of wheat crop. These results allow saving a half of usually made mineral fertilizer dose for the cultivation of wheat crop. Combined use of HC and SSP were strongly recommended for obtaining maximum wheat yield in the prevailing soil and environmental conditions.
Keywords: phosphorous; Swabi; calcareous soil; wheat.
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Assessment of combined effect of human feces compost and single superphosphate on the behaviour of wheat production
A. Jamal1*, M. Fawad2
1Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
2Department of Weed Sciences University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
*E-mail: aftabses98@gmail.com
Received: Sept. 02, 2019. Revised: Oct. 28, 2019. Accepted: Nov. 05 , 2019. Published online: Dec. 20, 2019
ABSTRACT. Application of organic fertilizers in improving soil fertility has become a major factor that has enabled the world to feed billions of people. However, the required quantities of organic material are enormous, so it becomes necessary to combine different types of fertilizers to feed plants. The effectiveness of human feces compost (HC) alone, as well as in combination with single super phosphate (SSP), was evaluated in the present study. A field experiment was conducted at farmer field located in district Swabi (Pakistan). A total of eight possible treatments combination were arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD), replicated four times. Two levels of human feces compost (HC), including control (HC0: control and HC1: 7.5 t ha-1) and four levels of P, as single superphosphate (SSP), including control (P0: control, P1:40 kg ha-1, P2: 60 kg ha-1 and P3: 90 kg ha-1) were utilized in the experiment. Results revealed that among all the treatments, combined application of SSP at 60 kg ha-1 along with 7.5t ha-1 HC significantly improved the growth, as well as the yield parameters of wheat crop. These results allow saving a half of usually made mineral fertilizer dose for the cultivation of wheat crop. Combined use of HC and SSP were strongly recommended for obtaining maximum wheat yield in the prevailing soil and environmental conditions.
Keywords: phosphorous; Swabi; calcareous soil; wheat.
Continuous use of inorganic fertilizers and no use of organic fertilizers is becoming a serious threat to soil fertility in Pakistan, and that might be the big reason of low wheat production, as compared to the developing countries (Jamal and Fawad, 2018). In recent modern era, agricultural scientists have a keen interest to develop an agricultural system, which can lower production cost and conserve the natural resources. Therefore, recent interest in application of organic fertilizers has reemerged because of high prices of inorganic fertilizers and the importance of organic fertilizers that provide long term soil productivity, as well as provides almost all essential nutrients to crops and in return increased productivity (Abas et al., 2012). Pakistani soils are generally low in organic matter content (< 1%) because of arid climate and addition of less organic matter to soils during cultivation (Jamal and Jamal 2018). Soil fertility can be increased with addition of organic matter and utilization of minerals (Azad et al., 1982) and in combination render greater beneficial effects on plant growth and yield (Channabasanagowda et al., 2008). The use of organic manures, like composts, animal manure, as well as human waste, may be a positive and significant step in improving soil fertility, as it restores of the exhausted nutrients from the soil (Jamal and Fawad, 2018). Organic materials not only improve soil health, but also play a key role in phyto-availability of the nutrients by increasing organic matter contents in the soil and improving the soil texture (Alam et al., 2003).
Human excreta can be used as fertilizer for growing crops because it contains many essential macro, as well as micro nutrients (Heinonen-Tanski and Van Wijk-Sijbesma, 2005). The beneficial effect of human excreta for crop growth has the subject of numerous researchers.
Schouw et al. (2002) reported that human excreta is the best and major source of macro as well as micro nutrients. Similarly, Guzha et al. (2005) studied human fecal matter as a fertilizer and reported an improvement in maize yield, as well as in soil fertility with application of human excreta. The developed countries, like China and Japan, frequently used human excreta as night soils, without any hesitation for agricultural productivity. However, poor handling of human excreta has been reported by Xu et al. (1995) and (Humphries et al., 1997).
It has been reported by many researchers that human excreta can be used as organic fertilizers because it provides appropriate amount of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), as well as potassium (K) for growing crops (Mnkeni and Austin, 2009; Kutu et al., 2011), beside that human faeces also provide organic matter to the soil, which in turn improve soil structure (Jönsson et al., 2004). Reuse of human excreta will reduce the pollution effects that result from unsafe excreta disposal and excess use of chemical fertilizers and protect surface and groundwater, as well as waterborne enteric microbiological diseases (Heinonen-Tanski and Wijk-Sijbesma, 2005).
Before using human waste as a fertilizer, they must be composted, as the number of enteric bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminthes eggs in faeces can be high. Keeping in view the importance of human fecal compost for agricultural crops, the present study was organized on calcareous soil of Swabi (Pakistan) to evaluate the effect of human feces compost in combination with single super phosphate (SSP) on wheat crop yield.
Experimental site description
The present study was conducted at farmer field at village Yar Hussain (Swabi), located at 34°10’19″N and 72°16’19 E of Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Pakistan, with an elevation of 295 m above the sea level, during 2017-18.
Human fecal source and composting process
Human fecal used to prepare the compost were collected from camp area, an informal settlement in experimental area Swabi. The fecal were collected in biodegradable bags that are single use toilets and used once by one person. Fecal compost was prepared by using pit method (Mengistuet al., 2017 and Violet, 2015). A total of four pits were prepared for composting purpose, each measuring 2 m long by 2 m wide and 0.5 m deep. Biodegradable bags containing human feces were then laid in two layers and covered by a thin layer of soil. After three weeks, the contents were then transferred into another pit and to the third pit where it was allowed to cure for a month after which it was uncovered and packed in big bags ready for use.
Experimental design and treatments
Two levels of human fecal compost (HC), including control (HC0: control and HC1: 7.5 t ha-1) and four levels of P as single super phosphate (SSP), including control (P0: control, P1:40 kg ha-1, P2: 60 kg ha-1 and P3: 90 kg ha-1) were utilized in the experiment. Eight possible treatments combination were arranged in RCBD, replicated four times. Each plot size was kept to 20 m2; all the treatments were applied before seed sowing. Wheat variety Pirsabak 2013 was used as test crop and was sown with seed rate of 120 kg seed ha-1 and maintained row to row distance of 25 cm. All the agronomic and cultural practices were maintained during the experiment. At maturity, the growth parameters, like plant height and spike length (cm), were recorded, while yield parameters, like 1000-grain weight, grain yield and biological yield (t ha-1), were recorded after crop harvest.
Following treatments combination was utilized during the study: Treatment 1 – P0HC0; Treatment 2 – P0HC1; Treatment 3 – P1HC0; Treatment 4 – P1HC1; Treatment 5 – P2HC0; Treatment 6 – P2HC1; Treatment 7 – P3HC0; Treatment 8 – P3HC1.
Physico-chemical properties of soil
A composite soil sample was taken (0-20 cm depth) from the field before treatments application and was analyzed for various physical and chemical properties, like pH, EC (Richards, 1954), soil texture (Gee and Bauder 1986), lime content (U.S. Salinity Laboratory Staff. 1954), and organic matter (OM) (Nelson and Sommer, 1982). The soil was also analyzed for total N (Bremner, 1996), AB-DTPA-extractable P and K (Soltanpour, 1985). The soil under study was found highly calcareous in nature, alkaline in reaction with pH value (8.0), EC (1.5), low in organic matter content (0.59) and silty clay loam in texture. The available total N 0.04%, available P 3.9 mg kg-1 and exchangeable K 130 mg kg-1 were recorded, respectively (Table 1). Soil of district Swabi was found low in OM content, as reported by Jamal and Jamal (2018).
Table 1
Physico-chemical properties of under study soil (0-20 cm depth)
Property |
Value |
Clay (%) |
19 |
Silt (%) |
62 |
Sand (%) |
19 |
Textural class |
Silty clay loam (SCL) |
pH (1:5; Soil: Water) |
8.0 |
Organic matter (%) |
0.59 |
EC (dsm-1) |
1.5 |
Lime (CaCO3) (%) |
16.8 |
AB-DTPA P ( mg kg-1) |
3.9 |
Total N (%) |
0.04 |
AB-DTPA K (mg kg-1) |
130 |
Statistical analysis
Using Statistix, 2000 package and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test, the collected data were analyzed statistically for any significant difference among the treatments (Steel and Torri, 1981).
Plant height (cm)
The overall result of different treatments on wheat plant height was found non-significant at p< 0.05 (Table 2). Many researchers reported significant increase in wheat plant height with application of P, as well as organic fertilizers in the prevailing soil and environmental conditions (Jamal and Fawad 2018, Naseer and Muhammad, 2014). The non-significant effect might be due to marginal AB-DTPA extractable P (3.9 mg kg-1), in addition the P is known to more contribute in yielding components, like flower, seed formation and ripening rather than crop growth.
Spike length
Application of human fecal compost alone and in combination with single superphosphate significantly increased the wheat spike length, as compared with control treatment (Table 2). The maximum spike length of 8.62 cm was recorded at T6, where P was applied at 60 kg ha-1 in combination with human fecal compost at 7.5 t ha-1 (Table 2). However, the values of spike length at T6, T7 and T8 were found statistically similar with each other, indicated that possibly 60 kg ha-1 in combination with human fecal compost at 7.5 t ha-1 could be the optimum level under the given soil and climatic conditions. Our results were in lined with Jamal and Fawad (2018) and Ahmad et al. (2013); they also reported an increased in wheat spike length with the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers.
1000-grain weight
Application of different treatments significantly increased wheat 1000-grain weight. The maximum 1000-grain weight of 45 g was recorded at T8, where P was applied at rate of 90 kg ha-1 with HC at rate of 7.5t ha-1 (Table 2). However, this highest 1000-grain weight was statistically similar and closely followed by T6 with value of 44.7 g, where P was applied in combination with HC at 60 kg ha-1 and 7.5 t ha-1, respectively.
Our results were in agreement with Ahmad et al. (2013), Jamal and Fawad (2018), Akhtar et al. (2000) and Jamal et al. (2019); they reported that organic fertilizers in combination with chemical fertilizers significantly improved yield contributing factors in wheat crop, as compared with chemical fertilizers applied alone.
Biological yield
The data on biological yield of wheat responded significantly to different applied treatments. Biological yield of wheat was significantly increased from 4.65 at T1 (control) to 13.2 t ha-1at T6, where P was applied in combination with HC at 60 kg ha-1 and 7.5 t ha-1, respectively (Table 2). These values suggested that 60 kg ha-1 P along with HC at 7.5 t ha-1could be the optimum levels to avoid the luxury consumption by crop and extra input by farmers. Our result was also in lined with the findings of Ghosh et al. (2004) and Sarwar et al. (2007). The significant effect of organic and chemical fertilizers in combination for wheat crop was also reported by Jamal and Fawad (2018) and Jamal et al. (2019) for the same soil and environmental conditions.
Grain yield
Wheat grain yield was significantly increased with the application of SSP and HC, either applied alone or in combination, as compared with the control treatment. The maximum grain yield of 4.82 t ha-1 was recorded in T6, where P was applied in combination with HC at 60 kg ha-1 and 7.5 t ha-1, respectively (Table 2). The increase in grain yield is in consistency of many research reports. Ahmad et al. (2013) revealed that yield in high lime was low, which gradually increased with P application along with organic fertilizers. Similarly, Patil et al. (2000) reported maximum grain yield with application of organic fertilizers. Our results were also in lined with the findings of Abbas et al. (2012), Jamal et al. (2019) and Jamal and Fawad (2018).
Table 2
Effect of different levels of SSP alone and in combination with HC on plant height, spike length, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and biological yield of wheat
Treatments |
Plant height (cm) |
Spike length (cm) |
1000-grain weight (g) |
Biological yield (t ha-1) |
Grain yield (t ha-1) |
T1 =*P0HC0 |
75.250a |
7.9450d |
32.250g |
4.650e |
**2.1325e |
T2 = P0HC1 |
75.250a |
8.0500cd |
34.000f |
5.350e |
2.9000d |
T3 = P1HC0 |
76.250a |
8.1250cd |
36.000e |
6.325d |
3.1000d |
T4 = P1HC1 |
75.000a |
8.2500bc |
37.750d |
8.475c |
3.6750c |
T5 = P2HC0 |
75.500a |
8.3250bc |
39.500c |
9.175c |
3.7750c |
T6 = P2HC1 |
76.250a |
8.6250a |
44.750a |
13.200a |
4.8250a |
T7 = P3HC0 |
75.250a |
8.6250a |
42.000b |
11.500b |
3.9500c |
T8 = P3HC1 |
76.000a |
8.6250a |
45.000a |
12.500a |
4.3250b |
LSD (0.05) |
NS |
0.2891 |
1.3767 |
0.7967 |
0.3495 |
*P (P0, P1, P2 and P3): P2O5 levels (control, 40, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) and HC (HC0 and HC1): Human fecal compost levels (control and 7.5 t ha-1); **Means with different letter (s) in columns are significantly different at p< 0.05.
It was concluded from the results that the effect of HC on wheat yield is more pronounced at low level of SSP, as compared to higher levels. Furthermore, it was concluded that 60 kg ha-1 P along with 7.5 t ha-1 HC was more effective and could be the optimum level for wheat crop in the prevailing soil and environmental conditions. Further researches were strongly recommended for widespread recommendations.
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