Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment (ALSE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal on Agricultural, Horticultural and Animal Sciences, Food Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and Environmental Management in the field of Applied Life Sciences, published quarterly online and in print by “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS).
Latest Articles
Statistical Analysis of Preliminary Studies for Hemp Concrete
Laurentiu Adam, Dorina-Nicolina Isopescu, Loredana Judele, Roxana Dana Bucur, Daniel Lepadatu
ABSTRACT. Waste is a major worldwide problem and its recycling has become mandatory in the current context of the decrease in natural resources. The management of recyclable waste improves the efficiency of any economic activities and the impact on the environment decreases proportionally to the quantities reused. With a significant impact on carbon dioxide emissions, the construction sector is one of the largest consumers of energy and raw materials. Hemp, and other biomass waste, are by-products in agriculture, making important contributions to the development of ecological materials by incorporating important quantities of such recyclable waste. This paper presents a series of different hemp concrete compositions that aim to obtain the optimum ratio between the binder and hemp shiv, in order to determine the inflection point towards which the delimitation can be made between insulating materials and materials with improved mechanical resistance. The importance of the work is given by the fact that, until now, the optimal proportion between the binder and hemp wood chips has not been demonstrated. This turning point must be justified by a variation of the mechanical resistance or a variation of the heat transfer coefficient, through the conductivity of the obtained samples. After preliminary testing, the statistical analysis will allow identification of the specific quantities needed to improve the physical-mechanical performance of the hemp-concrete recipe. Thus, by adding a justified amount of binder, an ecological material based on vegetable waste from agricultural crops is obtained. The material will have thermo-mechanical properties designed for a specific situation, required by the minimum performance imposed by the destination for which it will be made.
Keywords: Hemp-binder ratio; hemp concrete recipe optimisation; statistical analysis; agricultural buildings.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Oilseed Rape Meal
Florin-Daniel Lipșa, Rod Snowdon, Benjamin Wittkop, Wolfgang Friedt
ABSTRACT. Rapeseed meal, a by-product of oilseed extraction related to the agri-food and biofuel industries due to its favourable composition of essential amino acids, is currently utilised for animal feed. In this study, 166 doubled haploid (DH) rapeseed lines from the segregating Brassica napus doubled haploid population YE2-DH were genetically and chemically analysed for phenolic acids. The relationship between seed colour and phenolic acid fractions in B. napus was investigated using these analyses to improve the quality of rapeseed meal. High-performance liquid chromatography assays were used to estimate phenolic acid content, and the outcomes were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). Nine quantitative feature loci for three distinct phenolic acid compounds were mapped to seven linkage groups. A minor QTL for sinapine was located on linkage group C05 in the same interval as the QTL for seed colour. On chromosome A09, two loci for phenolic acids colocalised with the main QTL for seed colour. Closely linked molecular markers for the target traits (seed colour, phenolic acids) identified during this study could be useful tools for breeding new oilseed rape cultivars with lower levels of antinutritive compounds.
Keywords: Brassica napus; phenolic acids; meal quality; QTL mapping.
Cover story
Odobeşti Vineyard is one of the most famous and oldest Romanian vineyards, with a focus on white wines. The quality of the obtained wines is mainly due to the climatic conditions in this area and impresses with freshness and an extremely pleasant taste sensation. To improve the existing assortment of varieties over time at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification in Odobesti, four vine varieties were obtained and approved: Sarba (1972), Babeasca gri (1975), Miorita (1980) and Vrancea (2018), with superior quality and productive potential and a high capacity to capitalise on the edaphoclimatic conditions specific to this viticultural area. In the climatic context of the area, these white wine varieties have demonstrated a valuable agrobiological and technological potential, comparable to that of the Sauvignon Blanc variety, which is widely grown in this area (see page 68).
Sensory Characterisation of Emulsified Sausages Incorporating Celery Powder and Obtained With Different Technological Parameters
Paul Corneliu Boișteanu, Diana Remina Manoliu, Florin Daniel Lipşa, Mihai Cătălin Ciobotaru, Gabriela Frunză, Marius Mihai Ciobanu
ABSTRACT. This study aimed to evaluate and sensorily describe membrane-emulsified poultry and pork meat products (frankfurter sausages) manufactured in the USV Iași Meat Processing Workshop, products to which celery powder was added. Six technology sheets were developed to obtain six batches of products (three chicken and three pork): C1 (66% chicken breast, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder) and P1 (66% pork, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder), C2 (56% chicken breast, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and P2 (56% pork, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and C3 (48% chicken breast, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder) and P3 (48% pork, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder). The samples were evaluated in terms of instrumental colour and sensory evaluation (acceptability test and CATA – check-all-that-apply). The results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between the samples regarding the instrumental colour, chicken meat frankfurter sausages having significantly higher lightness values (L*) compared to pork frankfurter sausages, and in terms of the proportion of raw materials: the lightness increased significantly in direct proportion to the percentage of fat added. According to the CATA analysis, the evaluators associated a pink colour and meaty flavour with batch 1 products and attributes such as uniformity of colour, characteristic flavour, the right amount of seasoning and smooth texture were identified in all six batches of products. However, the batches with the highest scores on the hedonic scale, considered acceptable by the evaluators, were C1, P1 and C2. Keywords: sensory evaluation; frankfurter sausages; colour; celery powder.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Research on the Heavy Metal Content in Onion Bulbs Correlated with Soil From Private Households Located in the Copşa Mică Area, Central Romania
Bogdan Ştefan Oprea, Dumitru-Marian Motelică, Nicoleta Olimpia Vrînceanu, Mihaela Costea, Georgiana Iuliana Plopeanu, Vera Carabulea
ABSTRACT. Food safety and the high demand for food have represented worrisome problems worldwide in recent decades. It is well known that plants can accumulate metals from contaminated soil and through deposits from pollutant emissions released by contaminated sources. Cadmium, copper, zinc, and lead are poisonous elements. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants grown in polluted areas represents a major risk to human and animal health. Soil pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that has an unfavourable impact on the environment. For this study, data collected from 65 individual households located in the Copşa Mică area were used to estimate the bioaccumulation of four different heavy metals [cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu)] in onion bulbs in different scenarios, in correlation with the total metal content from the soil. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the regression curves established for the estimation of Cd (r = 0.648***), Zn (r = 0.592***), and Pb (r = 0.525***) in onion bulbs. In the case of copper (Cu), the linear correlation coefficient was insignificant (r = 0.088ns). The mean cadmium and lead values determined in the onion samples from the study area did not exceed the maximum stable levels for these contaminants in vegetables.
Keywords: heavy metals; vegetables; onion; pollution; bioaccumulation.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
The Morpho-Functional Peculiarities of the Synsarcosis Muscles in Red Squirrels
Constantin Spataru, Mihaela-Claudia Spataru, Ozan Gündemir
ABSTRACT. In terrestrial species, body propulsion is mostly performed via the pelvic limbs. In semiaquatic species, both pairs of limbs are used in swimming and diving, whereas in arboreal species, the pelvic limbs are used to maintain body stability. Thus, in squirrels, the synsarcosis muscles participate in body propulsion during climbing, as they have well-developed muscular bellies. Among these, the pectoral transverse muscle, which originates along the entire sternum and is inserted on the humeral crest, stands out for its width. The cervical parts of the trapezius and rhomboideus muscles are reduced and their thoracic parts more developed. As a result, muscles such as the occipitoscapularis or atlantoscapularis coordinate forelimb protraction and neck displacement. The serratus ventralis muscle is very well developed and clearly divided into cranial (cervical) and caudal (thoracic) parts; it produces a strong adduction of the thoracic limbs when the parts contract, and when they relax, a large abduction of the forelimbs is produced, enlarging the body size during jumping.
Keywords: rodent; squirrel; muscle; scapula; flexion.
Physico-Mechanical Properties Investigation of Hempcrete
Laurențiu Adam, Dorina-Nicolina Isopescu
ABSTRACT. Food, energy and construction are the three main domains in which different uses of industrial hemp confirm the role and importance that agriculture has in human life. In the current context with an increased need for energy efficiency and environmental protection, the attention of scientists is directed towards the identification of ecological construction materials, and a sustainable way of life, where the circular economy must become part of people’s living habits. The objective of the research was to analyze the thermo-mechanical properties of hempcrete. The goal is to determine a point of reference for future studies that will aim to adapt the agreed compositions to the particularities of the raw material obtained locally. Measurements were determined through laboratory tests, performed on specimens obtained using, for the base material, the woody part of industrial hemp, and for the binder, a mixture consisting of hydrated lime and Portland cement. The results place the construction materials made from hemp vegetable waste in the group of heat-insulating products characterized by low specific weight and thermal transfer coefficients, according with conventional insulating materials, with values between those of polyurethane foam and autoclaved cellular concrete.
Keywords: eco hempcrete; natural composite materials; circular economy; vegetable waste.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Vine Varieties for White Wines in the Climate Context of the Odobesti Vineyard, Romania
Ionica Bosoi, Liliana Rotaru, Marioara Pușcalău, Cintia Colibaba
ABSTRACT. Odobeşti Vineyard is one of the most famous and oldest Romanian vineyards, with a focus on white wines. To improve the existing assortment of varieties over time at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification, Odobesti (RDSVV, Odobești), four vine varieties were obtained and approved: ʹŞarbaʹ (1972), ʹBăbească griʹ (1975), ʹMioriţaʹ (1980) and ʹVranceaʹ (2018), with superior quality and productive potential and a high capacity to capitalise on the edaphoclimatic conditions specific to this viticultual area. This study presents the behaviour of these varieties of vines in the climatic conditions of the Odobesti Vineyard in the period 2017–2021. The following parameters were studied and determined: the phenological spectrum of the vine, fertility and productivity (% fertile shoots, fertility coefficients, productivity indices), quantity and quality of grape production (grapes/vine, average bunch weight, grape production/vine, sugar content, total acidity and glucoacidimetric index). The data obtained were compared with the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety, which is widely grown in this area. The evolution of the vegetation phenophases was conditioned by the climatic factors during the study period. There was a tendency to shorten them due to the increase in air temperature values. The variety ʹVranceaʹ presented a high fertility potential (89.5% fertile shoots), the varieties ʹBăbească griʹ and ʹMiorițaʹ showed a higher productive potential than the control variety ʹSauvignon Blancʹ (6.06–6.12 kg/vine), and the variety ʹȘarbaʹ recorded the highest accumulations in sugars (230.5 g/L). In the climatic context of the Odobești Vineyard, the white wine varieties ʹȘarbaʹ, ʹBăbeasca griʹ, ʹMiorițaʹ and ʹVranceaʹ have demonstrated a valuable agrobiological and technological potential, comparable to that of the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety.
Keywords: climatic conditions; fertility; vineyard; productivity; wine grapevine varieties.
Evaluation of Quality Parameters in Cotton Production (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Under Water Stress Conditions
Özlem Avşar, Emine Karademir
ABSTRACT. Decreasing water availability for cotton production has compelled researchers to engage in studies about rising water use efficiency by improving water management. The impacts of different irrigation levels on the fibre qualities of drip-irrigated cotton were evaluated in Diyarbakır, Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkiye. Three cotton varieties, ‘Stoneville 468’ (ST 468), ‘FiberMax 832’ (FM 832), and ‘Kartanesi’, and three levels of irrigation were tested in 2017 and 2018. Treatments were I 50 (50% water stress), I 75 (25% water stress), and the fully irrigated treatment I 100, which was obtained from Class-A pan evaporation. According to the two-year results of the study, water stress caused a decline in fineness, length, strength, elongation, uniformity ratio, and spinning consistency index (SCI) values of fibre, while fibre yellowness and short fibre ratio values increased. Fibre brightness was not affected by water stress. There were significant differences among varieties concerning quality parameters. FM 832 has come to the fore with regard to fibre fineness, length, strength, uniformity, yellowness, reflectance, and spinning consistency index.
Keywords: Cotton; water stress; fibre quality.
Potential Valorisation of Protobind 1000 as Adsorbent for Pb2+ and Zn2+
Alina Elena Trofin, Elena Ungureanu, Lucia Carmen Trincă, Maria Emiliana Fortună, Diana Beatrice Eperjessy
ABSTRACT. The adsorption of metal ions from increasing concentrations in aqueous solutions by modified straw lignin Protobind 1000 was studied. The effect of metallic ion concentrations (from 20.72 to 207.2 mg·L-1 for Pb2+ and from 6.538 to 65.38 mg·L-1 for Zn2+) and contact time (30, 60 and 90 minutes) were studied at pH = 6 and 200C. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations were applied to assess equilibrium data and the kinetics of the adsorption processes were analysed using Lagergren pseudo first order and Ho&McKay pseudo second order models. The results show that the adsorption processes reached equilibrium after 90 minutes, but similar values were registered after 60 minutes. The Freundlich isotherm described the process better, denoting chemisorption with the formation of ion-lignin complex structures. The Ho&McKay model fit the adsorption data better with regression coefficients equal to 1 compared to the Lagergren model, where the regression factors varied between 0.72 and 0.95. For the maximum concentration of lead solution and the longest adsorption time of 90 minutes, the Ho&McKay model predicted an equilibrium capacity qe of 13.1406 mg·g-1 compared to the 13.1398 mg·g-1 obtained. For zinc adsorption, the same maximum concentration and time were considered, and the pseudo-second order model predicted a qe of 12.6743 mg·g-1 compared to the obtained value of 12.6714 mg·g-1.
The uptake of lead was greater on 0.15 g of adsorbent (a maximum of 27.23 mg·g-1) than the zinc uptake (a maximum of 8.28 mg·g-1), for all analysed concentrations.
Keywords: adsorption, Protobind 1000 (PB 1000), lead, zinc.
Studies on Some Still Wines Obtained by the Blanc de Noirs Method
Dragoș Florin Grosaru, Camelia Elena Luchian, Elena Cristina Scutarasu, Lucia Cintia Colibaba, Cătălin Ioan Zamfir, Valeriu V. Cotea
ABSTRACT. Consumer interest in innovative wines has increased in recent years in Romania, in correlation with the development of the wine sector. Nowadays, the winemaking technique proposed by Dom Perignon (blanc de noirs) with applicability to sparkling wines is increasingly used to obtain still wines. This research aimed to identify the most suitable technology for obtaining white wines from Fetească neagră and Busuioacă de Bohotin grapes. The resulting wines were analysed from physical-chemical and chromatic points of view, and their sensory properties and volatile compounds content were also registered. The obtained samples had characteristics usually found in wines obtained from white grape varieties. Although frequently used in the production of base wine for sparkling wines, this technique can give original results in obtaining still wines as well. The use of activated carbon has led to the production of wines with a higher commercial value (improved colour characteristics). Given that red wines are significantly less consumed compared to white ones, this technique allows the use of black grape varieties and the production of innovative white wines.
Keywords: blanc de noirs; Busuioacă de Bohotin; Fetească neagră; winemaking.
A Comparative Study of the Behaviour of Antirrhinum Majus Species Cultivated in Fields and in Vertical Systems for Green Façades under the Climate Conditions in the North-Eastern Region of Romania
Mirela Cojocariu, Elena Liliana Chelariu, Ciprian Chiruţă, Petronica Amişculesei, Andromeda Cristina Sonea
ABSTRACT. A highly popular and well-known flowering species for the unmistakable shape of its velvety and beautifully coloured flowers, Antirrhinum majus is often used in garden decor due to its long flowering period, ease of cultivation and low maintenance during the growing season. This study aims to investigate the behaviour of a dwarf variety of the Antirrhinum majus species grown in both vertical systems for green façades and also in a control field under the climate conditions in the north-eastern region of Romania. The façades of the vertical structure were been oriented towards a cardinal point, each of them having four equal layers arranged on height. The study found that this dwarf variety adapts very well to vertical systems, maintaining its ornamental features for a long time. During the experiment, observations included the diameter, height and number of flowers per plant in the control variant and on each side of the experimental structure.
The highest values in July and August for plant diameter, plant height and the number of flowers were shown for the western facade and the lowest for the control variant. Instead, the control variant in September held the first position showing the highest means for all three monitored parameters and the lowest were for the southern orientation.
Keywords: Antirrhinum majus; annual décor; green façades; urban design.
Combining Ability Of Waterlogging Tolerance In Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)
Serap Simsek, Aydin Unay
ABSTRACT. The mean performance and combining abilities of cross combinations derived from a complete diallel mating and their parents were evaluated under waterlogging conditions. Analysis of variance for combining abilities indicated significant GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (specific combining ability) for single spike yield, SPAD (soil plant analysis development) and leaf area; GCA for NDVI (normalised differences vegetation index) and SCA for Fe and Mn contents in roots and membrane thermal stability. The parents Stendal, Beşköprü and Pamukova 97 were the best combiners in terms of waterlogging tolerance, while Beşköprü × Pamukova 97, Pamukova 97 × Beşköprü, Stendal × Pamukova 97, Stendal × Beşköprü and Beşköprü × Hanlı were identified as the best cross combinations, with high positive specific combining ability effects for most waterlogging related characters.
Keywords: Fe and Mn content; flooding; heritability; NDVI; SPAD.
Cover Story
Research on the water quality assessment of some tributaries of the Bistrița River in the Dornelor Basin, North-Eastern Romania, showed that all physico-chemical, microbiological parameters, the composition of algal communities or the presence of water quality bioindicators, such as the so-called “bentofauna”, i.e. families of insect larvae (ephemeroptera, trichoptera, plecoptera), worms, amphipods and others, represent the expression of a correlation of factors that demonstrate that on all formations of the hydrographic network studied, the anthropogenic influence is minimal, in the sense that there are no factors that pollute the water at a level detectable by these correlated measurements (see page 450).
Characterisation of the Parasite Load of River Bistrita Tributaries, in Dornelor Basin, Romania
Ionela Voloseniuc, Kálmán Imre, Liviu Miron
ABSTRACT. Dornelor Basin is characterised by numerous high quality water sources, which is proven by the fact that the main mineral waters on the Romanian market come from this area. The study aimed to provide data on the occurrence and human infective potential of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, as the most important water-borne parasites, from Bistrița river tributaries of Dornelor basin, North-Eastern Romania. Water samples were collected from 10 tributaries of the Bistrita river, from the level of sampling stations set upstream and downstream from the anthropic communities. The harvested water samples were further processed using non-molecular methods in order to isolate (oo)cysts. Subsequently, the isolated Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)ccyst were molecularly characterized through PCR and genomic sequencing, which led to the identification of Giardia in order to identify them at species level. The outcomes revealed the fact that the waters of the emissaries under study have a low parasite load and that, upstream from the human settlements, the water is highly pure when related to the protozoa under study. The increased load of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. corresponded to important animal husbandry activity. The obtained results underline a potential public health risk.
Keywords: Giardia spp. Cryptosporidium spp., parasite load, surface water.
Heightening Sorghum Nitrogen Uptake While Maintaining Optimal Soil Nutrient Levels Through Mineral Fertiliser Application
Riziki Mwadalu, Benson Mochoge, Maina Mwangi, Harun Gitari
ABSTRACT. Improving nutrient management of soils is important in subsistence farming systems in the tropics due to declining soil fertility resulting from continuous cropping coupled with inadequate nutrient replenishment. Balancing nutrient inputs with crop removal is crucial in reducing the build-up of nutrients and minimises nutrient losses through different pathways, thus reducing the cost of production. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of N and P fertiliser on sorghum N uptake at Kampi ya Mawe (KYM) in Makueni County and Katumani (KAT) in Machakos County, Kenya. Two factors (nitrogen and phosphorus) each at two levels (0 and 75 kg ha-1) were evaluated, resulting in four treatments, each replicated thrice. At KYM, N content in sorghum tissues increased by 24.2% in comparison with the control following application of N at 75 kg ha-1. At KAT, plots amended with N and P at 75 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest N content in sorghum tissues at the three sorghum development stages assessed. At the seedling stage, an increase of 18.8% was observed. Sole N application led to an increase in N content in sorghum tissues of 17.6% at the seedling stage. A positive linear relationship between NO3- N and N content in sorghum tissues was also observed. The study showed that soil N uptake was higher in the early growth stages of sorghum. The results of this study are essential to farmers and extension officers as a guide to ensure timely fertiliser application to ensure optimum utilisation of nutrients during crop growth.
Keywords: Crop production, nutrient uptake, soil fertility, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.
Co-Infection with Babesia Canis and Borrelia Burgdorferi S.L. in a Dog from Northeastern Romania: A Case Report
Liviu-Dan Miron, Lavinia Ciucă, Călin Ilie, Andreea Potoroaca, Constantin Lazăr, Gabriela-Victoria Martinescu
ABSTRACT. This study describes a clinical case of a 9-year-old mixed-breed dog co-infected with Babesia canis and Borrelia burgdorferi. This dog was referred to a private clinic in northeastern Romania for a recurrent perianal tumour and a mild inflammation in the right elbow. The dog showed mild haemolytic anaemia, as well as increased alkaline phosphatase and glucose levels. Despite surgery and therapy, after four days, the patient had developed hyperthermia, severe anaemia and an inflammatory syndrome. The blood smear revealed the presence of piroplasm organisms identified as ‘large’ Babesia spp. On the 9th day of hospitalization the patient died during the blood transfusion, before applying the specific therapy for babesiosis. The blood collected before blood transfusion was tested for the following vector-borne diseases: Babesia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Hepatozoon spp. and Borrelia spp. using molecular analysis. The final outcome indicated a co-infection with Babesia canis and Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. In conclusion, the introduction of vector-borne disease screening approach prior any surgical procedure can prevent life-threatening events and improve diagnostic accuracy in dogs infected/co-infected simultaneously with different vector-borne diseases.
Keywords: canine babesiosis; canine borreliosis; co-infection; tick-borne diseases.
An Investigation of the Noise Absorption Potential of a Six Selected Grass Species
N.D. Amarasingha, J.A.P. Bodhika, W.G.D. Dharmaratna, L.P. Jayatissa
ABSTRACT. Grass has a high leaf density and requires minimum space to grow. This experiment was designed to determine the sound absorption behaviour of six grass species (Zoysia matrella (L) Merr., Stenotaphrum dimidiatum(L.) Brongn, Panicum repens (L.), Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Axonopus compressus (Sw) P. Beauv, and Ischaemum sp.) for their possible use as noise screens. The sound absorption of each morphological leaf structure was studied. For Sound Absorption Coefficients (SAC) (α) studies, the reverberation room method under ISO 345:2003 standards was followed. A B&K dodecahedron Omni-directional speaker, power amplifier, and 2250L handheld analyser were used for reverberation time and RT60 measurements. Microscopic images of grass leaves were analysed using ImageJ software. This study revealed that grasses with the highest and lowest SAC for higher noise frequencies (> 1500 Hz) are S. dimidiatum Brongn and A. compressus, respectively. The SAC of S. dimidiatum Brongn positively correlated with noise frequency. In general, the correlation of SAC (α) with noise frequency (f) is in the form of log10α = a1log10f + b1 where a1 and b1 are grass type-dependent constants. The morphological parameters like total leaf area, total sample area, plant height, and sample dry weight strongly correlated with the SAC. But leaf thickness, length, width, surface area, and the weight of the sample poorly correlated with SAC in the frequency range.
Keywords: Grass; Sound Absorption Coefficient; Morphological Characteristics; Correlations.
Winter Wheat Mixtures Influence Grain Rheological and Mixolab Quality
Trong Nghia Hoang, Marek Kopecký, Petr Konvalina
ABSTRACT. This study aims to investigate the effect of a mixture of winter wheat varieties on grain rheological characteristics and the quality of wheat flour analyzed by Mixolab. In the 2019-2020 growing season, a small plots experiment was carried out in an organically certified field in the Czech Republic. The experiment was conducted by randomized complete block design with three replicates, four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties with four mixtures of the same varieties in equal proportions. Based on the results, the expected grain yield was not achieved. The quality of wheat productivity was significantly different among treatments in terms of protein content, wet gluten, sedimentation value, and falling number (P < 0.001). Protein content ranged between 8.04% and 9.85%, mixtures of Butterfly + Lorien and Illusion + Lorien were higher in protein than Illusion and Vanessa varieties and their combination. The highest wet gluten was found under mixtures of Butterfly + Lorien varieties (19.34%) while sowing Butterfly variety gave the highest Zeleny test and falling number compared to other treatments. Butterfly + Lorien and Butterfly + Vanessa mixtures obtained good results for falling number at 250.67 and 272.67 seconds. There were significant differences in rheological quality parameters of winter wheat varieties analyzed by Mixolab including stability, weakening of protein, and starch (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, except slope gamma). Although the observed benefits were limited to grain yield, mixtures of individual cultivars appear to be a potential tool to improve overall crop performance (grain quality). Keywords: baking quality, organic farming, yield.
Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in White Wines Treated with Enzymes
Elena Cristina Scutarașu, Valeriu V. Cotea, Camelia Elena Luchian, Lucia Carmen Trincă, Andrei Scutarașu
ABSTRACT. Wine’s quality is influenced both by the grape characteristics and winemaking protocols. Awareness of the significant role of enzymes preparations in beverages technologies contributes to the optimization of the manufacturing process, for improving the chemical composition of the resulting wine and its organoleptic properties. This paper focuses on monitoring the impact of different commercial enzymes (pectinases and β-glycosides) on the main phenolic compounds content of Sauvignon blanc wines. For this experiment, ten phenolic compounds were quantified using a liquid-chromatography (LC) system coupled with ion trap mass spectrometer. The results indicated a significant influence of enzymes on wine’s phenolic fraction. Experimental samples presented high content in protocatechuic acid (9.99 – 13.75 μg/mL) and caftaric acid (2.69 – 9.80 μg/mL). The use of pectinases lead to an increase of phenolic compound’s concentration compared to the control.
Keywords: enzymes, wine, phenolic compounds, pectinases, β-glycosides.
Study of Phenotypic Variability Using the Varietal Diversity of Cultivated Forms of Naked and Hulled Oats in the Intercropping System
Domnica Plăcintă, Danela Murariu
ABSTRACT. The research carried out at the Gene Bank in Suceava, Northern Romania, aimed to highlight the phenotypic variability of the germplasm of Avena spp. For this purpose, the morpho-productive traits and resistance to diseases, pests and weeds were analysed. Productivity, diseases and pests, days to heading and days to maturity descriptors of 46 Avena spp. genotypes (naked and hulled oat) with different biological statuses (36 local populations, 10 cultivars), were evaluated by testing in intercropping experiments with small grain cereals and grain legumes. The unidirectional ANOVA analysis generated values that allowed the elaboration of a hierarchy of heterogeneity in the hulled local populations, for some of the analysed characters (one thousand seeds weight/genotype, degree of attack by Puccinia coronata and Oulema melanopa and days to maturity) and these were less in naked forms. There was a high competition of Avena species, regarding weeds in small grain cereal variants and potentially beneficial for nitrogen symbiotic fixation by increasing naked and hulled local oat population productivity in intercropping with fava bean. The Euclidean distance classification of the oat genotypes investigated in the dendrogram distinguished the generated groups, indicating the maximum distance in cluster IV. With high heterogeneity of productivity traits, better resistance to disease and pests, and shorter maturity, members of this cluster could be used to develop genetic mixture programs.
Keywords: phenotypic variability, morphological traits, intercropping, naked and hulled cultivars.
Soil Fertility in the Central-Southern Part of Romania Expressed by Soil Reaction and Nutrient Content: A Case Study from the Raul Alb Catchment, Dambovita County
Florin Ciocan, Catalin Manu, Alexandru Matache, Nicolae Petrescu, George Muratoreanu
ABSTRACT. The field research took place between 2019 and 2020, in the upper river basin of the Raul Alb creek, located in the northwest of Dambovita County, the analysed land area being 4034 ha. Underlying the research of the complex erosion phenomena faced by the analysed territory was the soil survey, which consisted of sampling 46 soil profiles in the representative areas for the analysed territory. For the analysis of the soil fertility, chemical analyses were performed regarding the pH, humus content, reported to the soil texture in the topsoil and the supply of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), also physical-mechanical analysis (soil texture), interpreted according to the “Methodology for the Development of Pedological Studies, Volumes I, II, III, 1987”. By centralising the obtained results, it found that 59.42% of the total analysed land surface had a weak alkaline pH, at least in the topsoil, due to the CaCO3 content. For the supply of humus, the most significant share is that of the extremely low-supplied soils with this element in the topsoil, i.e. 73.42% of the mapped area, and in terms of the nitrogen supply, 26.67% of the total surface of the river basin shows severe deficiencies in this element. The situation is worrying indeed in the case of the supply of soils with mobile phosphorus, with 3 280.27 ha of the mapped surface having very low or low contents of this element, making up 81.31%. However, for potassium, the soils from the upper sector of the Raul Alb catchment are mostly moderately and well supplied, with only 620.85 ha (15.39%) being extremely poorly supplied with this element.
Keywords: river basin, mineral nutrients, humus, soil pH.
Latest Articles
Statistical Analysis of Preliminary Studies for Hemp Concrete
Laurentiu Adam, Dorina-Nicolina Isopescu, Loredana Judele, Roxana Dana Bucur, Daniel Lepadatu
ABSTRACT. Waste is a major worldwide problem and its recycling has become mandatory in the current context of the decrease in natural resources. The management of recyclable waste improves the efficiency of any economic activities and the impact on the environment decreases proportionally to the quantities reused. With a significant impact on carbon dioxide emissions, the construction sector is one of the largest consumers of energy and raw materials. Hemp, and other biomass waste, are by-products in agriculture, making important contributions to the development of ecological materials by incorporating important quantities of such recyclable waste. This paper presents a series of different hemp concrete compositions that aim to obtain the optimum ratio between the binder and hemp shiv, in order to determine the inflection point towards which the delimitation can be made between insulating materials and materials with improved mechanical resistance. The importance of the work is given by the fact that, until now, the optimal proportion between the binder and hemp wood chips has not been demonstrated. This turning point must be justified by a variation of the mechanical resistance or a variation of the heat transfer coefficient, through the conductivity of the obtained samples. After preliminary testing, the statistical analysis will allow identification of the specific quantities needed to improve the physical-mechanical performance of the hemp-concrete recipe. Thus, by adding a justified amount of binder, an ecological material based on vegetable waste from agricultural crops is obtained. The material will have thermo-mechanical properties designed for a specific situation, required by the minimum performance imposed by the destination for which it will be made.
Keywords: Hemp-binder ratio; hemp concrete recipe optimisation; statistical analysis; agricultural buildings.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Oilseed Rape Meal
Florin-Daniel Lipșa, Rod Snowdon, Benjamin Wittkop, Wolfgang Friedt
ABSTRACT. Rapeseed meal, a by-product of oilseed extraction related to the agri-food and biofuel industries due to its favourable composition of essential amino acids, is currently utilised for animal feed. In this study, 166 doubled haploid (DH) rapeseed lines from the segregating Brassica napus doubled haploid population YE2-DH were genetically and chemically analysed for phenolic acids. The relationship between seed colour and phenolic acid fractions in B. napus was investigated using these analyses to improve the quality of rapeseed meal. High-performance liquid chromatography assays were used to estimate phenolic acid content, and the outcomes were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL). Nine quantitative feature loci for three distinct phenolic acid compounds were mapped to seven linkage groups. A minor QTL for sinapine was located on linkage group C05 in the same interval as the QTL for seed colour. On chromosome A09, two loci for phenolic acids colocalised with the main QTL for seed colour. Closely linked molecular markers for the target traits (seed colour, phenolic acids) identified during this study could be useful tools for breeding new oilseed rape cultivars with lower levels of antinutritive compounds.
Keywords: Brassica napus; phenolic acids; meal quality; QTL mapping.
Cover story
Odobeşti Vineyard is one of the most famous and oldest Romanian vineyards, with a focus on white wines. The quality of the obtained wines is mainly due to the climatic conditions in this area and impresses with freshness and an extremely pleasant taste sensation. To improve the existing assortment of varieties over time at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification in Odobesti, four vine varieties were obtained and approved: Sarba (1972), Babeasca gri (1975), Miorita (1980) and Vrancea (2018), with superior quality and productive potential and a high capacity to capitalise on the edaphoclimatic conditions specific to this viticultural area. In the climatic context of the area, these white wine varieties have demonstrated a valuable agrobiological and technological potential, comparable to that of the Sauvignon Blanc variety, which is widely grown in this area (see page 68).
Sensory Characterisation of Emulsified Sausages Incorporating Celery Powder and Obtained With Different Technological Parameters
Paul Corneliu Boișteanu, Diana Remina Manoliu, Florin Daniel Lipşa, Mihai Cătălin Ciobotaru, Gabriela Frunză, Marius Mihai Ciobanu
ABSTRACT. This study aimed to evaluate and sensorily describe membrane-emulsified poultry and pork meat products (frankfurter sausages) manufactured in the USV Iași Meat Processing Workshop, products to which celery powder was added. Six technology sheets were developed to obtain six batches of products (three chicken and three pork): C1 (66% chicken breast, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder) and P1 (66% pork, 17% pork backfat, 1.8% celery powder), C2 (56% chicken breast, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and P2 (56% pork, 24% pork backfat, 3.5% celery powder) and C3 (48% chicken breast, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder) and P3 (48% pork, 31% pork backfat, 4.5% celery powder). The samples were evaluated in terms of instrumental colour and sensory evaluation (acceptability test and CATA – check-all-that-apply). The results showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between the samples regarding the instrumental colour, chicken meat frankfurter sausages having significantly higher lightness values (L*) compared to pork frankfurter sausages, and in terms of the proportion of raw materials: the lightness increased significantly in direct proportion to the percentage of fat added. According to the CATA analysis, the evaluators associated a pink colour and meaty flavour with batch 1 products and attributes such as uniformity of colour, characteristic flavour, the right amount of seasoning and smooth texture were identified in all six batches of products. However, the batches with the highest scores on the hedonic scale, considered acceptable by the evaluators, were C1, P1 and C2. Keywords: sensory evaluation; frankfurter sausages; colour; celery powder.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Research on the Heavy Metal Content in Onion Bulbs Correlated with Soil From Private Households Located in the Copşa Mică Area, Central Romania
Bogdan Ştefan Oprea, Dumitru-Marian Motelică, Nicoleta Olimpia Vrînceanu, Mihaela Costea, Georgiana Iuliana Plopeanu, Vera Carabulea
ABSTRACT. Food safety and the high demand for food have represented worrisome problems worldwide in recent decades. It is well known that plants can accumulate metals from contaminated soil and through deposits from pollutant emissions released by contaminated sources. Cadmium, copper, zinc, and lead are poisonous elements. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants grown in polluted areas represents a major risk to human and animal health. Soil pollution with heavy metals is a global problem that has an unfavourable impact on the environment. For this study, data collected from 65 individual households located in the Copşa Mică area were used to estimate the bioaccumulation of four different heavy metals [cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu)] in onion bulbs in different scenarios, in correlation with the total metal content from the soil. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the regression curves established for the estimation of Cd (r = 0.648***), Zn (r = 0.592***), and Pb (r = 0.525***) in onion bulbs. In the case of copper (Cu), the linear correlation coefficient was insignificant (r = 0.088ns). The mean cadmium and lead values determined in the onion samples from the study area did not exceed the maximum stable levels for these contaminants in vegetables.
Keywords: heavy metals; vegetables; onion; pollution; bioaccumulation.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
The Morpho-Functional Peculiarities of the Synsarcosis Muscles in Red Squirrels
Constantin Spataru, Mihaela-Claudia Spataru, Ozan Gündemir
ABSTRACT. In terrestrial species, body propulsion is mostly performed via the pelvic limbs. In semiaquatic species, both pairs of limbs are used in swimming and diving, whereas in arboreal species, the pelvic limbs are used to maintain body stability. Thus, in squirrels, the synsarcosis muscles participate in body propulsion during climbing, as they have well-developed muscular bellies. Among these, the pectoral transverse muscle, which originates along the entire sternum and is inserted on the humeral crest, stands out for its width. The cervical parts of the trapezius and rhomboideus muscles are reduced and their thoracic parts more developed. As a result, muscles such as the occipitoscapularis or atlantoscapularis coordinate forelimb protraction and neck displacement. The serratus ventralis muscle is very well developed and clearly divided into cranial (cervical) and caudal (thoracic) parts; it produces a strong adduction of the thoracic limbs when the parts contract, and when they relax, a large abduction of the forelimbs is produced, enlarging the body size during jumping.
Keywords: rodent; squirrel; muscle; scapula; flexion.
Physico-Mechanical Properties Investigation of Hempcrete
Laurențiu Adam, Dorina-Nicolina Isopescu
ABSTRACT. Food, energy and construction are the three main domains in which different uses of industrial hemp confirm the role and importance that agriculture has in human life. In the current context with an increased need for energy efficiency and environmental protection, the attention of scientists is directed towards the identification of ecological construction materials, and a sustainable way of life, where the circular economy must become part of people’s living habits. The objective of the research was to analyze the thermo-mechanical properties of hempcrete. The goal is to determine a point of reference for future studies that will aim to adapt the agreed compositions to the particularities of the raw material obtained locally. Measurements were determined through laboratory tests, performed on specimens obtained using, for the base material, the woody part of industrial hemp, and for the binder, a mixture consisting of hydrated lime and Portland cement. The results place the construction materials made from hemp vegetable waste in the group of heat-insulating products characterized by low specific weight and thermal transfer coefficients, according with conventional insulating materials, with values between those of polyurethane foam and autoclaved cellular concrete.
Keywords: eco hempcrete; natural composite materials; circular economy; vegetable waste.
* Abstract published in Conference Programme dedicated to LIFE SCIENCES TODAY FOR TOMORROW
Vine Varieties for White Wines in the Climate Context of the Odobesti Vineyard, Romania
Ionica Bosoi, Liliana Rotaru, Marioara Pușcalău, Cintia Colibaba
ABSTRACT. Odobeşti Vineyard is one of the most famous and oldest Romanian vineyards, with a focus on white wines. To improve the existing assortment of varieties over time at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification, Odobesti (RDSVV, Odobești), four vine varieties were obtained and approved: ʹŞarbaʹ (1972), ʹBăbească griʹ (1975), ʹMioriţaʹ (1980) and ʹVranceaʹ (2018), with superior quality and productive potential and a high capacity to capitalise on the edaphoclimatic conditions specific to this viticultual area. This study presents the behaviour of these varieties of vines in the climatic conditions of the Odobesti Vineyard in the period 2017–2021. The following parameters were studied and determined: the phenological spectrum of the vine, fertility and productivity (% fertile shoots, fertility coefficients, productivity indices), quantity and quality of grape production (grapes/vine, average bunch weight, grape production/vine, sugar content, total acidity and glucoacidimetric index). The data obtained were compared with the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety, which is widely grown in this area. The evolution of the vegetation phenophases was conditioned by the climatic factors during the study period. There was a tendency to shorten them due to the increase in air temperature values. The variety ʹVranceaʹ presented a high fertility potential (89.5% fertile shoots), the varieties ʹBăbească griʹ and ʹMiorițaʹ showed a higher productive potential than the control variety ʹSauvignon Blancʹ (6.06–6.12 kg/vine), and the variety ʹȘarbaʹ recorded the highest accumulations in sugars (230.5 g/L). In the climatic context of the Odobești Vineyard, the white wine varieties ʹȘarbaʹ, ʹBăbeasca griʹ, ʹMiorițaʹ and ʹVranceaʹ have demonstrated a valuable agrobiological and technological potential, comparable to that of the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety.
Keywords: climatic conditions; fertility; vineyard; productivity; wine grapevine varieties.
Evaluation of Quality Parameters in Cotton Production (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Under Water Stress Conditions
Özlem Avşar, Emine Karademir
ABSTRACT. Decreasing water availability for cotton production has compelled researchers to engage in studies about rising water use efficiency by improving water management. The impacts of different irrigation levels on the fibre qualities of drip-irrigated cotton were evaluated in Diyarbakır, Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkiye. Three cotton varieties, ‘Stoneville 468’ (ST 468), ‘FiberMax 832’ (FM 832), and ‘Kartanesi’, and three levels of irrigation were tested in 2017 and 2018. Treatments were I 50 (50% water stress), I 75 (25% water stress), and the fully irrigated treatment I 100, which was obtained from Class-A pan evaporation. According to the two-year results of the study, water stress caused a decline in fineness, length, strength, elongation, uniformity ratio, and spinning consistency index (SCI) values of fibre, while fibre yellowness and short fibre ratio values increased. Fibre brightness was not affected by water stress. There were significant differences among varieties concerning quality parameters. FM 832 has come to the fore with regard to fibre fineness, length, strength, uniformity, yellowness, reflectance, and spinning consistency index.
Keywords: Cotton; water stress; fibre quality.
Potential Valorisation of Protobind 1000 as Adsorbent for Pb2+ and Zn2+
Alina Elena Trofin, Elena Ungureanu, Lucia Carmen Trincă, Maria Emiliana Fortună, Diana Beatrice Eperjessy
ABSTRACT. The adsorption of metal ions from increasing concentrations in aqueous solutions by modified straw lignin Protobind 1000 was studied. The effect of metallic ion concentrations (from 20.72 to 207.2 mg·L-1 for Pb2+ and from 6.538 to 65.38 mg·L-1 for Zn2+) and contact time (30, 60 and 90 minutes) were studied at pH = 6 and 200C. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm equations were applied to assess equilibrium data and the kinetics of the adsorption processes were analysed using Lagergren pseudo first order and Ho&McKay pseudo second order models. The results show that the adsorption processes reached equilibrium after 90 minutes, but similar values were registered after 60 minutes. The Freundlich isotherm described the process better, denoting chemisorption with the formation of ion-lignin complex structures. The Ho&McKay model fit the adsorption data better with regression coefficients equal to 1 compared to the Lagergren model, where the regression factors varied between 0.72 and 0.95. For the maximum concentration of lead solution and the longest adsorption time of 90 minutes, the Ho&McKay model predicted an equilibrium capacity qe of 13.1406 mg·g-1 compared to the 13.1398 mg·g-1 obtained. For zinc adsorption, the same maximum concentration and time were considered, and the pseudo-second order model predicted a qe of 12.6743 mg·g-1 compared to the obtained value of 12.6714 mg·g-1.
The uptake of lead was greater on 0.15 g of adsorbent (a maximum of 27.23 mg·g-1) than the zinc uptake (a maximum of 8.28 mg·g-1), for all analysed concentrations.
Keywords: adsorption, Protobind 1000 (PB 1000), lead, zinc.
Studies on Some Still Wines Obtained by the Blanc de Noirs Method
Dragoș Florin Grosaru, Camelia Elena Luchian, Elena Cristina Scutarasu, Lucia Cintia Colibaba, Cătălin Ioan Zamfir, Valeriu V. Cotea
ABSTRACT. Consumer interest in innovative wines has increased in recent years in Romania, in correlation with the development of the wine sector. Nowadays, the winemaking technique proposed by Dom Perignon (blanc de noirs) with applicability to sparkling wines is increasingly used to obtain still wines. This research aimed to identify the most suitable technology for obtaining white wines from Fetească neagră and Busuioacă de Bohotin grapes. The resulting wines were analysed from physical-chemical and chromatic points of view, and their sensory properties and volatile compounds content were also registered. The obtained samples had characteristics usually found in wines obtained from white grape varieties. Although frequently used in the production of base wine for sparkling wines, this technique can give original results in obtaining still wines as well. The use of activated carbon has led to the production of wines with a higher commercial value (improved colour characteristics). Given that red wines are significantly less consumed compared to white ones, this technique allows the use of black grape varieties and the production of innovative white wines.
Keywords: blanc de noirs; Busuioacă de Bohotin; Fetească neagră; winemaking.
A Comparative Study of the Behaviour of Antirrhinum Majus Species Cultivated in Fields and in Vertical Systems for Green Façades under the Climate Conditions in the North-Eastern Region of Romania
Mirela Cojocariu, Elena Liliana Chelariu, Ciprian Chiruţă, Petronica Amişculesei, Andromeda Cristina Sonea
ABSTRACT. A highly popular and well-known flowering species for the unmistakable shape of its velvety and beautifully coloured flowers, Antirrhinum majus is often used in garden decor due to its long flowering period, ease of cultivation and low maintenance during the growing season. This study aims to investigate the behaviour of a dwarf variety of the Antirrhinum majus species grown in both vertical systems for green façades and also in a control field under the climate conditions in the north-eastern region of Romania. The façades of the vertical structure were been oriented towards a cardinal point, each of them having four equal layers arranged on height. The study found that this dwarf variety adapts very well to vertical systems, maintaining its ornamental features for a long time. During the experiment, observations included the diameter, height and number of flowers per plant in the control variant and on each side of the experimental structure.
The highest values in July and August for plant diameter, plant height and the number of flowers were shown for the western facade and the lowest for the control variant. Instead, the control variant in September held the first position showing the highest means for all three monitored parameters and the lowest were for the southern orientation.
Keywords: Antirrhinum majus; annual décor; green façades; urban design.
Combining Ability Of Waterlogging Tolerance In Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)
Serap Simsek, Aydin Unay
ABSTRACT. The mean performance and combining abilities of cross combinations derived from a complete diallel mating and their parents were evaluated under waterlogging conditions. Analysis of variance for combining abilities indicated significant GCA (general combining ability) and SCA (specific combining ability) for single spike yield, SPAD (soil plant analysis development) and leaf area; GCA for NDVI (normalised differences vegetation index) and SCA for Fe and Mn contents in roots and membrane thermal stability. The parents Stendal, Beşköprü and Pamukova 97 were the best combiners in terms of waterlogging tolerance, while Beşköprü × Pamukova 97, Pamukova 97 × Beşköprü, Stendal × Pamukova 97, Stendal × Beşköprü and Beşköprü × Hanlı were identified as the best cross combinations, with high positive specific combining ability effects for most waterlogging related characters.
Keywords: Fe and Mn content; flooding; heritability; NDVI; SPAD.
Cover Story
Research on the water quality assessment of some tributaries of the Bistrița River in the Dornelor Basin, North-Eastern Romania, showed that all physico-chemical, microbiological parameters, the composition of algal communities or the presence of water quality bioindicators, such as the so-called “bentofauna”, i.e. families of insect larvae (ephemeroptera, trichoptera, plecoptera), worms, amphipods and others, represent the expression of a correlation of factors that demonstrate that on all formations of the hydrographic network studied, the anthropogenic influence is minimal, in the sense that there are no factors that pollute the water at a level detectable by these correlated measurements (see page 450).
Characterisation of the Parasite Load of River Bistrita Tributaries, in Dornelor Basin, Romania
Ionela Voloseniuc, Kálmán Imre, Liviu Miron
ABSTRACT. Dornelor Basin is characterised by numerous high quality water sources, which is proven by the fact that the main mineral waters on the Romanian market come from this area. The study aimed to provide data on the occurrence and human infective potential of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, as the most important water-borne parasites, from Bistrița river tributaries of Dornelor basin, North-Eastern Romania. Water samples were collected from 10 tributaries of the Bistrita river, from the level of sampling stations set upstream and downstream from the anthropic communities. The harvested water samples were further processed using non-molecular methods in order to isolate (oo)cysts. Subsequently, the isolated Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)ccyst were molecularly characterized through PCR and genomic sequencing, which led to the identification of Giardia in order to identify them at species level. The outcomes revealed the fact that the waters of the emissaries under study have a low parasite load and that, upstream from the human settlements, the water is highly pure when related to the protozoa under study. The increased load of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. corresponded to important animal husbandry activity. The obtained results underline a potential public health risk.
Keywords: Giardia spp. Cryptosporidium spp., parasite load, surface water.
Heightening Sorghum Nitrogen Uptake While Maintaining Optimal Soil Nutrient Levels Through Mineral Fertiliser Application
Riziki Mwadalu, Benson Mochoge, Maina Mwangi, Harun Gitari
ABSTRACT. Improving nutrient management of soils is important in subsistence farming systems in the tropics due to declining soil fertility resulting from continuous cropping coupled with inadequate nutrient replenishment. Balancing nutrient inputs with crop removal is crucial in reducing the build-up of nutrients and minimises nutrient losses through different pathways, thus reducing the cost of production. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of N and P fertiliser on sorghum N uptake at Kampi ya Mawe (KYM) in Makueni County and Katumani (KAT) in Machakos County, Kenya. Two factors (nitrogen and phosphorus) each at two levels (0 and 75 kg ha-1) were evaluated, resulting in four treatments, each replicated thrice. At KYM, N content in sorghum tissues increased by 24.2% in comparison with the control following application of N at 75 kg ha-1. At KAT, plots amended with N and P at 75 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest N content in sorghum tissues at the three sorghum development stages assessed. At the seedling stage, an increase of 18.8% was observed. Sole N application led to an increase in N content in sorghum tissues of 17.6% at the seedling stage. A positive linear relationship between NO3- N and N content in sorghum tissues was also observed. The study showed that soil N uptake was higher in the early growth stages of sorghum. The results of this study are essential to farmers and extension officers as a guide to ensure timely fertiliser application to ensure optimum utilisation of nutrients during crop growth.
Keywords: Crop production, nutrient uptake, soil fertility, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.
Co-Infection with Babesia Canis and Borrelia Burgdorferi S.L. in a Dog from Northeastern Romania: A Case Report
Liviu-Dan Miron, Lavinia Ciucă, Călin Ilie, Andreea Potoroaca, Constantin Lazăr, Gabriela-Victoria Martinescu
ABSTRACT. This study describes a clinical case of a 9-year-old mixed-breed dog co-infected with Babesia canis and Borrelia burgdorferi. This dog was referred to a private clinic in northeastern Romania for a recurrent perianal tumour and a mild inflammation in the right elbow. The dog showed mild haemolytic anaemia, as well as increased alkaline phosphatase and glucose levels. Despite surgery and therapy, after four days, the patient had developed hyperthermia, severe anaemia and an inflammatory syndrome. The blood smear revealed the presence of piroplasm organisms identified as ‘large’ Babesia spp. On the 9th day of hospitalization the patient died during the blood transfusion, before applying the specific therapy for babesiosis. The blood collected before blood transfusion was tested for the following vector-borne diseases: Babesia spp., Anaplasma spp., Ehrlichia spp., Hepatozoon spp. and Borrelia spp. using molecular analysis. The final outcome indicated a co-infection with Babesia canis and Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. In conclusion, the introduction of vector-borne disease screening approach prior any surgical procedure can prevent life-threatening events and improve diagnostic accuracy in dogs infected/co-infected simultaneously with different vector-borne diseases.
Keywords: canine babesiosis; canine borreliosis; co-infection; tick-borne diseases.
An Investigation of the Noise Absorption Potential of a Six Selected Grass Species
N.D. Amarasingha, J.A.P. Bodhika, W.G.D. Dharmaratna, L.P. Jayatissa
ABSTRACT. Grass has a high leaf density and requires minimum space to grow. This experiment was designed to determine the sound absorption behaviour of six grass species (Zoysia matrella (L) Merr., Stenotaphrum dimidiatum(L.) Brongn, Panicum repens (L.), Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Axonopus compressus (Sw) P. Beauv, and Ischaemum sp.) for their possible use as noise screens. The sound absorption of each morphological leaf structure was studied. For Sound Absorption Coefficients (SAC) (α) studies, the reverberation room method under ISO 345:2003 standards was followed. A B&K dodecahedron Omni-directional speaker, power amplifier, and 2250L handheld analyser were used for reverberation time and RT60 measurements. Microscopic images of grass leaves were analysed using ImageJ software. This study revealed that grasses with the highest and lowest SAC for higher noise frequencies (> 1500 Hz) are S. dimidiatum Brongn and A. compressus, respectively. The SAC of S. dimidiatum Brongn positively correlated with noise frequency. In general, the correlation of SAC (α) with noise frequency (f) is in the form of log10α = a1log10f + b1 where a1 and b1 are grass type-dependent constants. The morphological parameters like total leaf area, total sample area, plant height, and sample dry weight strongly correlated with the SAC. But leaf thickness, length, width, surface area, and the weight of the sample poorly correlated with SAC in the frequency range.
Keywords: Grass; Sound Absorption Coefficient; Morphological Characteristics; Correlations.
Winter Wheat Mixtures Influence Grain Rheological and Mixolab Quality
Trong Nghia Hoang, Marek Kopecký, Petr Konvalina
ABSTRACT. This study aims to investigate the effect of a mixture of winter wheat varieties on grain rheological characteristics and the quality of wheat flour analyzed by Mixolab. In the 2019-2020 growing season, a small plots experiment was carried out in an organically certified field in the Czech Republic. The experiment was conducted by randomized complete block design with three replicates, four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties with four mixtures of the same varieties in equal proportions. Based on the results, the expected grain yield was not achieved. The quality of wheat productivity was significantly different among treatments in terms of protein content, wet gluten, sedimentation value, and falling number (P < 0.001). Protein content ranged between 8.04% and 9.85%, mixtures of Butterfly + Lorien and Illusion + Lorien were higher in protein than Illusion and Vanessa varieties and their combination. The highest wet gluten was found under mixtures of Butterfly + Lorien varieties (19.34%) while sowing Butterfly variety gave the highest Zeleny test and falling number compared to other treatments. Butterfly + Lorien and Butterfly + Vanessa mixtures obtained good results for falling number at 250.67 and 272.67 seconds. There were significant differences in rheological quality parameters of winter wheat varieties analyzed by Mixolab including stability, weakening of protein, and starch (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, except slope gamma). Although the observed benefits were limited to grain yield, mixtures of individual cultivars appear to be a potential tool to improve overall crop performance (grain quality). Keywords: baking quality, organic farming, yield.
Evaluation of Phenolic Compounds in White Wines Treated with Enzymes
Elena Cristina Scutarașu, Valeriu V. Cotea, Camelia Elena Luchian, Lucia Carmen Trincă, Andrei Scutarașu
ABSTRACT. Wine’s quality is influenced both by the grape characteristics and winemaking protocols. Awareness of the significant role of enzymes preparations in beverages technologies contributes to the optimization of the manufacturing process, for improving the chemical composition of the resulting wine and its organoleptic properties. This paper focuses on monitoring the impact of different commercial enzymes (pectinases and β-glycosides) on the main phenolic compounds content of Sauvignon blanc wines. For this experiment, ten phenolic compounds were quantified using a liquid-chromatography (LC) system coupled with ion trap mass spectrometer. The results indicated a significant influence of enzymes on wine’s phenolic fraction. Experimental samples presented high content in protocatechuic acid (9.99 – 13.75 μg/mL) and caftaric acid (2.69 – 9.80 μg/mL). The use of pectinases lead to an increase of phenolic compound’s concentration compared to the control.
Keywords: enzymes, wine, phenolic compounds, pectinases, β-glycosides.
Study of Phenotypic Variability Using the Varietal Diversity of Cultivated Forms of Naked and Hulled Oats in the Intercropping System
Domnica Plăcintă, Danela Murariu
ABSTRACT. The research carried out at the Gene Bank in Suceava, Northern Romania, aimed to highlight the phenotypic variability of the germplasm of Avena spp. For this purpose, the morpho-productive traits and resistance to diseases, pests and weeds were analysed. Productivity, diseases and pests, days to heading and days to maturity descriptors of 46 Avena spp. genotypes (naked and hulled oat) with different biological statuses (36 local populations, 10 cultivars), were evaluated by testing in intercropping experiments with small grain cereals and grain legumes. The unidirectional ANOVA analysis generated values that allowed the elaboration of a hierarchy of heterogeneity in the hulled local populations, for some of the analysed characters (one thousand seeds weight/genotype, degree of attack by Puccinia coronata and Oulema melanopa and days to maturity) and these were less in naked forms. There was a high competition of Avena species, regarding weeds in small grain cereal variants and potentially beneficial for nitrogen symbiotic fixation by increasing naked and hulled local oat population productivity in intercropping with fava bean. The Euclidean distance classification of the oat genotypes investigated in the dendrogram distinguished the generated groups, indicating the maximum distance in cluster IV. With high heterogeneity of productivity traits, better resistance to disease and pests, and shorter maturity, members of this cluster could be used to develop genetic mixture programs.
Keywords: phenotypic variability, morphological traits, intercropping, naked and hulled cultivars.
Soil Fertility in the Central-Southern Part of Romania Expressed by Soil Reaction and Nutrient Content: A Case Study from the Raul Alb Catchment, Dambovita County
Florin Ciocan, Catalin Manu, Alexandru Matache, Nicolae Petrescu, George Muratoreanu
ABSTRACT. The field research took place between 2019 and 2020, in the upper river basin of the Raul Alb creek, located in the northwest of Dambovita County, the analysed land area being 4034 ha. Underlying the research of the complex erosion phenomena faced by the analysed territory was the soil survey, which consisted of sampling 46 soil profiles in the representative areas for the analysed territory. For the analysis of the soil fertility, chemical analyses were performed regarding the pH, humus content, reported to the soil texture in the topsoil and the supply of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), also physical-mechanical analysis (soil texture), interpreted according to the “Methodology for the Development of Pedological Studies, Volumes I, II, III, 1987”. By centralising the obtained results, it found that 59.42% of the total analysed land surface had a weak alkaline pH, at least in the topsoil, due to the CaCO3 content. For the supply of humus, the most significant share is that of the extremely low-supplied soils with this element in the topsoil, i.e. 73.42% of the mapped area, and in terms of the nitrogen supply, 26.67% of the total surface of the river basin shows severe deficiencies in this element. The situation is worrying indeed in the case of the supply of soils with mobile phosphorus, with 3 280.27 ha of the mapped surface having very low or low contents of this element, making up 81.31%. However, for potassium, the soils from the upper sector of the Raul Alb catchment are mostly moderately and well supplied, with only 620.85 ha (15.39%) being extremely poorly supplied with this element.
Keywords: river basin, mineral nutrients, humus, soil pH.