Zamfir Cătălin Ioan

Studies on Some Still Wines Obtained by the Blanc de Noirs Method

Dragoș Florin Grosaru, Camelia Elena Luchian, Elena Cristina Scutarasu, Lucia Cintia Colibaba, Cătălin Ioan Zamfir, Valeriu V. Cotea

ABSTRACT. Consumer interest in innovative wines has increased in recent years in Romania, in correlation with the development of the wine sector. Nowadays, the winemaking technique proposed by Dom Perignon (blanc de noirs) with applicability to sparkling wines is increasingly used to obtain still wines. This research aimed to identify the most suitable technology for obtaining white wines from Fetească neagră and Busuioacă de Bohotin grapes. The resulting wines were analysed from physical-chemical and chromatic points of view, and their sensory properties and volatile compounds content were also registered. The obtained samples had characteristics usually found in wines obtained from white grape varieties. Although frequently used in the production of base wine for sparkling wines, this technique can give original results in obtaining still wines as well. The use of activated carbon has led to the production of wines with a higher commercial value (improved colour characteristics). Given that red wines are significantly less consumed compared to white ones, this technique allows the use of black grape varieties and the production of innovative white wines.

Keywords: blanc de noirs; Busuioacă de Bohotin; Fetească neagră; winemaking.

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The Effect of Different Techniques of Maceration-Fermentation on the Phenolic Composition of Red Wines

Maria Iulia Cerbu, Valeriu V. Cotea, Cătălin-Ioan Zamfir, Marius Niculaua, Ioana Călin, Andreea Popîrdă, Cintia Lucia Colibaba, Ștefan Tudose Sandu-Ville

ABSTRACT. Grapes, the quintessential quality factor in winemaking, are found in certain areas of the globe where viticulture thrives. The quality of wine products is directly influenced by the quality of the grapes, their process technology, the care and the quality of the premises and equipment used, as well as the conditions for the storage and use of the wines. In most red wine-making processes, it is preferred that the maceration process is accompanied by the fermentation process, as increase in the alcohol content favours the intensification of the extraction process. For this reason, both processes are combined in a single technological operation known as maceration-fermentation. The largest amount of polyphenolic compounds of wine, anthocyanins and tannins comes from the solid parts of the grapes ‒ the skins and seeds, and these have a decisive influence on the phenolic character of wines. Maceration is a fractional extraction which leads to the dissolution of the useful components of the grapes, which give the flavour, colour and taste typical of red wine. The aim of this research was to analyse the effect of different techniques of maceration-fermentation on the phenolic composition of red wines obtained from Merlot, Pinot noir and Cabernet Sauvignon grape varieties in Copou-Iasi vineyard compared to red wines obtained from the same varieties in Murfaltar vineyard, located in the northeast and south of Romania, respectively. Wines obtained by maceration-fermentation in rotating tanks have higher values of the Folin-Ciocâlteu index (wines obtained from Pinot noir) in contrast to those obtained by the classical maceration-fermentation technique (wines obtained from Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon).

Keywords: maceration; phenolic compounds; red wines; tannins; anthocyanins.

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