Murariu Danela

Phenotypic Variability Evaluation of Wheat Varieties from the Suceava Gene Bank Collection

Tiberiu Emilian Sârbu, Iulian Gabur, Dănuț Petru Simioniuc, Daniela Domnica Plăcintă, Danela Murariu, Violeta Simioniuc

ABSTRACT. The intensity of selection, inadvertent pathways of domestication, and the influence of climate change collectively amplify the frequency of detrimental alleles. This phenomenon, in turn, triggers genetic drift, leading to an in-advertent decline in the diversity of plant genetic resources. Genetic variability is of utmost importance for a species’ adaptability and overall fitness. Our investigation centres on Triticum germplasm within the agroclimatic conditions of the Suceava Gene Bank, encompassing 2021–2022 field trials. Comprehensive morphophysiological characterisation was conducted across 200 cultivated varieties, spanning three Triticum species (T. aestivum, T. turgidum and T. monococcum). Initially, the data underwent meticulous processing involving the computation of amplitude of variation, variance (s2), standard deviation (√s), and coefficients of variation (s%) for three pivotal agronomical traits: plant height, spikelets per spike, and total seeds per spike. Furthermore, an extensive cluster analysis was performed, encompassing multiple vital plant descriptors. The findings unveiled a remarkable dispersion of data, with standard deviation, amplitude of variation, and coefficient of variation collectively indicating substantial variability among the cultivated varieties. Within the same population, an intriguing observation emerged; of the 200 genotypes analysed, 83 exhibited immunity to Septoria tritici. Delving deeper into the statistical analysis, we identified two primary clusters within the population. Overall, a significant proportion of this germplasm showcased elevated phenotype scores, rendering them well-suited for further exploration as foundational material in pre-breeding initiatives.

Keywords: cluster analysis; morphophysiological traits; Septoria tritici; Triticum germplasm.

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Study of Phenotypic Variability Using the Varietal Diversity of Cultivated Forms of Naked and Hulled Oats in the Intercropping System

Domnica Plăcintă, Danela Murariu

ABSTRACT. The research carried out at the Gene Bank in Suceava, Northern Romania, aimed to highlight the phenotypic variability of the germplasm of Avena spp. For this purpose, the morpho-productive traits and resistance to diseases, pests and weeds were analysed. Productivity, diseases and pests, days to heading and days to maturity descriptors of 46 Avena spp. genotypes (naked and hulled oat) with different biological statuses (36 local populations, 10 cultivars), were evaluated by testing in intercropping experiments with small grain cereals and grain legumes. The unidirectional ANOVA analysis generated values that allowed the elaboration of a hierarchy of heterogeneity in the hulled local populations, for some of the analysed characters (one thousand seeds weight/genotype, degree of attack by Puccinia coronata and Oulema melanopa and days to maturity) and these were less in naked forms. There was a high competition of Avena species, regarding weeds in small grain cereal variants and potentially beneficial for nitrogen symbiotic fixation by increasing naked and hulled local oat population productivity in intercropping with fava bean. The Euclidean distance classification of the oat genotypes investigated in the dendrogram distinguished the generated groups, indicating the maximum distance in cluster IV. With high heterogeneity of productivity traits, better resistance to disease and pests, and shorter maturity, members of this cluster could be used to develop genetic mixture programs.

Keywords: phenotypic variability, morphological traits, intercropping, naked and hulled cultivars.

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Agrochemical Evolution of the Chernozemic Soil in the Superficial Horizon by Differentiated Nitrogen Fertilization

Adina Petruța Jipa, Danela Murariu

ABSTRACT. Soil fertility, upon which plant growth and hence crop yield and quality depend, embraces its content of plant food (nutrients), its organic matter content, its structure, its ability to supply water and its depth. Excessive use of fertilizers with nitrogen products of ion nitric accumulation in the soil (temporary) and in plants, which disturbs the balance of photosynthesis, causes the appearance of necrosis and burns on leaves, severe intoxication and even death by asphyxiation phenomena and cyanosis at ruminants, children and old people. One of the ways of soil pollution through agricultural technology is over-fertilization and, in particular, the administration of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Excess of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as their empirical application, have negative effects on harvest quality. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of five nitrogen levels and different type of fertilizers on the agrochemical evolution of the chernozemic soil in the superficial horizon. Field experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Research and Development Station (ARDS) Suceava, Romania, in two growing seasons (2017 and 2018) with five nitrogen levels (80 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha, 160 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha and 240 kg/ha) and two type of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and urea).

Keywords: ammonium nitrate; urea; chemical fertilizers; chernozemic soil.

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Researches of the influence of nitrate contents on main morphological traits of maize plants

Adina Petruța Jipa, Danela Murariu

ABSTRACT. Nitrogen is an important element required for plant growth and development. It is a key component in many biological compounds that play a major role in photosynthetic activity and crop yield capacity. Variation in nitrogen availability can affect plant development and productivity in maize. One of the ways of soil pollution through agricultural technology is over-fertilization and, in particular, the administration of high doses of nitrogen fertilizers. Excess of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as their empirical application, have negative effects on harvest quality. Excessive use of fertilizers with nitrogen, produces of ion nitric accumulation in the soil (temporary) and in plants, which disturbs the balance of photosynthesis, causes the appearance of necrosis and burns on leaves, severe intoxication and even death by asphyxiation phenomena and cyanosis at ruminants, children and old people. The main aim of this study was to determine the effect of different nitrogen levels and different type of fertilizers on nitrates levels in maize leaves and on morphological traits of maize plants. Field experiments were conducted in two growing seasons (2017 and 2018) with five nitrogen levels (80 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha, 160 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha and 240 kg/ha) and two type of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and urea).

Keywords: ammonium nitrate; urea; maize; chemical fertilizers.

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