Karademir Emine

Management of Nitrogen Stress in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Using Greenseeker Technology

Medine Karatas, Emine Karademir

ABSTRACT. This study was performed with GreenSeeker technology in order to determine the possibility of nitrogen stress management in cotton and to determine the differences between the normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) and nitrogen doses determined with GreenSeeker, to determine the nitrogen deficiency and stress conditions by making use of the value of the NDVI in cotton production and to intervene when necessary and direct the producers in this regard. In the study six nitrogen doses (Control, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 kg ha-1) were used. The results showed significant differences between N applications for leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD), NDVI-2 (in the boll formation period), number of bolls (NB), seed cotton (SCY) and fiber yield (FY). On the other hand, there were non-significant differences in terms of (LA) area, NDVI-1 (in the beginning of the flowering), plant height (PH), node number of first fruiting branches (NNFFB), number of monopodial branches (NMB) and number of sympodial branches (NSB), number of nodes (NN), height to node ratio (HNR), seed cotton boll weight (SCBW) and ginning percentage (GP). The highest SCY and FY obtained were from doses of 180 and 120 kg ha-1 N, the highest leaf chlorophyll content and number of bolls obtained were from doses of 120 kg ha-1 N. The highest values of NDVI-2 obtained were from doses of 120, 240 and 300 kg ha-1 N, respectively. There were non-significant differences between N doses for values of the NDVI-1 of flowering, but significant differences observed for values of NDVI-2 of boll formation periods. The findings obtained from this research indicated that leaf chlorophyll and NDVI of the boll formation period can be used for determining differences due to varying N doses in cotton production.

Keywords: cotton; nitrogen doses; NDVI; yield; fiber quality.

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Evaluation of Quality Parameters in Cotton Production (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Under Water Stress Conditions

Özlem Avşar, Emine Karademir

ABSTRACT. Decreasing water availability for cotton production has compelled researchers to engage in studies about rising water use efficiency by improving water management. The impacts of different irrigation levels on the fibre qualities of drip-irrigated cotton were evaluated in Diyarbakır, Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkiye. Three cotton varieties, ‘Stoneville 468’ (ST 468), ‘FiberMax 832’ (FM 832), and ‘Kartanesi’, and three levels of irrigation were tested in 2017 and 2018. Treatments were I 50 (50% water stress), I 75 (25% water stress), and the fully irrigated treatment I 100, which was obtained from Class-A pan evaporation. According to the two-year results of the study, water stress caused a decline in fineness, length, strength, elongation, uniformity ratio, and spinning consistency index (SCI) values of fibre, while fibre yellowness and short fibre ratio values increased. Fibre brightness was not affected by water stress. There were significant differences among varieties concerning quality parameters. FM 832 has come to the fore with regard to fibre fineness, length, strength, uniformity, yellowness, reflectance, and spinning consistency index.

Keywords: Cotton; water stress; fibre quality.

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Plant Spacing and Its Effect on Yield, Fibre Quality and Physiological Parameters in Cotton

Rojda Altundag, Emine Karademir

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to see how changing plant spacings affected cotton yield, yield components, fibre quality traits, and physiological parameters. In this study, six plant spacings (no thinning, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm) were investigated. Plant density caused significant differences in the number of first fruiting branches, number of bolls, ginning percentage, seed cotton yield, fibre yield, and normalised difference vegetative index (NDVI). Plant height, the number of sympodial branches, number of monopodial branches, boll weight, seed cotton weight/boll, number of 100-seed weight, seeds/boll, canopy temperature, chlorophyll content, leaf area, and fibre quality properties (micronaire, length, strength, elongation, uniformity, short fibre index, reflectance, yellowness, and spinning consistency index [SCI] were non-significant. The highest values of seed cotton yield, fibre yield, ginning percentage, number of first fruiting branches, and NDVI were obtained in the no thinning and 5 cm plant spacing applications, while the highest boll number was obtained at 20 and 25 cm plant spacings. In this study, physiological parameters, such as canopy temperature, leaf area, chlorophyll content, and fibre technological traits, were not affected by plant spacing. The highest seed cotton yield, fibre yield, ginning percentage and NDVI were obtained from no thinning and 5 cm intra-row spacing, indicating their impact on examined characteristics. Therefore, a yield estimation can be made in the flowering period with the NDVI in different plant densities in cotton.

Keywords: cotton; plant spacing; yield; physiology; fibre quality.

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Determination of the Factors Limiting Cotton Fiber Quality in Turkey

Seyhan Yasar, Emine Karademir

ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the variation of fiber quality in cotton varieties produced in the Southeastern Anatolia Region and Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakir provinces. 1090 fiber samples were obtained from six cotton varieties (Lima, Stoneville 468, Candia and Babylon for Sanliurfa, Lima, Stoneville 468, Lodos and Gloria for Diyarbakir) collected from ginning factories in Şanlıurfa and Diyarbakir. Statistical analyzes were done with HVI device and obtained data were analyzed by using Excel and TOTEMSTAT programs. In the frequency distribution, cotton varieties of the region are in the medium and long fiber group in terms of fiber length. They were in the medium (only two samples), strong and very strong group in terms of fiber strength. They were generally in the medium and thick group in terms of fiber fineness (micronaire). In terms of fiber uniformity index, the majority of the fibers were in the middle group. In terms of short fiber index, most of the fibers were in the very low and low groups. The majority of the samples were in the high and medium group in terms of fiber elongation, in the mature and very mature group in terms of fiber maturity. In terms of spinning consistency index (SCI) 59,2% of the fibers were between 119,41 and 135,83; 31,3% of them were between 135,83 and 152,24, 58,2% of the material has a reflectance value of 74 and above. All materials were in white and light-yellow groups in terms of yellowness. It has been observed that the majority of the fibers (66%) are in the low group in terms of trash count. The results obtained from the study of cotton produce of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey has shown that good fiber quality and to meet the demand of textile industry.

Keywords: analysis; cotton; fiber; quality; variation.

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Evaluation of Cotton (Gossypium Spp.) Germplasm for Heat Tolerance under Normal and Late Planting Time

Emine Karademir, C. Karademir, B. Kolay, V. Sezener, H. Basal

ABSTRACT. The objective of this study was to determine cotton (Gossypium ssp.) germplasm for heat tolerance under normal and late planting time. For this aiming 200 cotton genotypes and five check varieties (Gloria, SG 125, Flash, Ozbek 105 and Candia) were evaluated under two different temperature regimes and experiments were conducted according to the augmented design with four blocks. Field studies were carried out at the GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center’s experimental area in Diyarbakır, Turkey, in 2016 cotton growing season. In the study heat susceptibility index was used for discriminate to the genotypes for heat tolerance. Genotypes were classified into four groups based on the heat susceptibility index. The results of this study indicated that five cotton genotypes (TAM 139-17 ELS, CIM-240, Haridost, MNH-990 and AzGR-11835) were in highly heat tolerant, 28 genotypes were found heat tolerant, 56 genotypes were in the moderately heat tolerant and other 120 genotypes were observed susceptible for heat tolerance. Based on the heat susceptibility index, five cotton genotypes can be used as parent for heat tolerance improvement in the cotton breeding program where high temperature is a limiting factor for seed cotton yield.

Keywords: cotton; abiotic stress; susceptibility; resistance; yield.

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Effect of different boron application on cotton yield components and fiber quality properties

Emine Karademir, C. Karademir

ABSTRACT. This study was carried out to determine the effect of different boron application methods on cotton yield, plant growth and fiber technological properties. The study was conducted at Siirt University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Field Crops experimental area as randomized complete block design with four replications in 2018. Stoneville 468 cotton variety and boron liquid foliar fertilizer were used as material. Seven different boron applications were performed as (Control, 1000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stage, 1000 cc ha-1 at flowering stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at flowering stage and 1000 cc ha-1 at boll formation stage, 2000 cc ha-1 at boll formation stage). The results of statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between applications methods in terms of plant height and number of monopodial branches. But there were non-significant differences in terms of number of sympodial branches, number of first node of sympodial branch, number of nodes, height/node ratio, number of bolls, boll weight, seed cotton weight of per boll, number of seeds per boll, first picking percentage, 100 seeds weight, ginning percentage, seed cotton yield and fiber technological characteristics. In conclusion different application methods of boron increased plant height and number of monopodial branches of cotton when applied as 1000 and 2000 cc ha-1 at pre-flowering stages.

Keywords: cotton; plant nutrition; plant growth; seed cotton yield.

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