Bosoi Ionica

Vine Varieties for White Wines in the Climate Context of the Odobesti Vineyard, Romania

Ionica Bosoi, Liliana Rotaru, Marioara Pușcalău, Cintia Colibaba

ABSTRACT. Odobeşti Vineyard is one of the most famous and oldest Romanian vineyards, with a focus on white wines. To improve the existing assortment of varieties over time at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification, Odobesti (RDSVV, Odobești), four vine varieties were obtained and approved: ʹŞarbaʹ (1972), ʹBăbească griʹ (1975), ʹMioriţaʹ (1980) and ʹVranceaʹ (2018), with superior quality and productive potential and a high capacity to capitalise on the edaphoclimatic conditions specific to this viticultual area. This study presents the behaviour of these varieties of vines in the climatic conditions of the Odobesti Vineyard in the period 2017–2021. The following parameters were studied and determined: the phenological spectrum of the vine, fertility and productivity (% fertile shoots, fertility coefficients, productivity indices), quantity and quality of grape production (grapes/vine, average bunch weight, grape production/vine, sugar content, total acidity and glucoacidimetric index). The data obtained were compared with the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety, which is widely grown in this area. The evolution of the vegetation phenophases was conditioned by the climatic factors during the study period. There was a tendency to shorten them due to the increase in air temperature values. The variety ʹVranceaʹ presented a high fertility potential (89.5% fertile shoots), the varieties ʹBăbească griʹ and ʹMiorițaʹ showed a higher productive potential than the control variety ʹSauvignon Blancʹ (6.06–6.12 kg/vine), and the variety ʹȘarbaʹ recorded the highest accumulations in sugars (230.5 g/L). In the climatic context of the Odobești Vineyard, the white wine varieties ʹȘarbaʹ, ʹBăbeasca griʹ, ʹMiorițaʹ and ʹVranceaʹ have demonstrated a valuable agrobiological and technological potential, comparable to that of the ʹSauvignon Blancʹ variety.

Keywords: climatic conditions; fertility; vineyard; productivity; wine grapevine varieties.

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Agrobiological Value of Some White Grape Varieties Created at Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification Odobești, Vrancea County, Romania

Ionica Bosoi, Liliana Rotaru, Cintia Colibaba, Marioara Pușcalău

ABSTRACT. Vine varieties react differently to the influence of environmental factors by decreasing or significantly intensifying the vigour of shoot growth, a biological reaction that also affects fertility and productivity. This article presents data on some agrobiological properties (vegetative growth of shoots, fertility and productivity) of some white wine varieties, created at the Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Vinification (R.D.S.V.V.) Odobești, Vrancea County, Romania) – Şarba, Băbească gri, Mioriţa and Vrancea, in the period 2020 – 2021. The data obtained were compared with the control variety Fetească regală. In Odobeşti vineyard, 2020 was much warmer than normal, characterized by a severely deficient rainfall regime resulting in atmospheric drought, followed by the gradual development of pedological drought. The vigour of shoots was negatively influenced by the climatic conditions of the vegetation period in 2020, the highest values being recorded for the varieties Șarba (159.6 cm) and Vrancea (141.5 cm), which showed significant positive differences, compared to the control variety. The fertility of the buds was lower in 2020, compared to 2021, the Vrancea variety being distinguished by higher potential fertility than the varieties Șarba, Băbească gri and Miorița, but lower potential fertility than the control variety. The absolute fertility coefficient (Cfa) had superunitary values for all varieties (1.07 – 1.50), and the relative fertility coefficient (Cfr) had subunitary values, except for the Vrancea variety (1.32). The varieties Șarba, Băbească gri and Miorița achieved an absolute productivity index (Ipa) superior to the control variety Fetească regală due to the higher average weight of the grapes, and the relative productivity index (Ipr) ranged from 199 for the Vrancea variety to 182 for the variety Șarba.

Keywords: grape variety; vigour; fertility coefficients; productivity index.

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